A Threat To Humanity

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It was the next day and Kazuki was training to become stronger in his base

"Hiya" as Kazuki kicked his father in the stomach making him gasp for air

"How?" Araya said as he was holding his stomach and was on one knee

"Well old man not so tuff, eh" said Kazuki with a cocky tone

"Kazuki it's time for a break" as Araya fixed himself and sat on the grass

"You're right" Kazuki then sat in beside his father

"So where's the other brat" Kazuki then eyes widen

Oh that bastard

"I guess in school, but I don't know where he's at at the moment" Kazuki explained

"Oh so what I wanted to say now that we're on break is that, You and Him are a threat to humanity for all I know"

"Me? You mean your actual son that dead right, I'm just a android" Kazuki yelled at the last sentence

"You are my son even I don't want to believe it but until I can find a way to resurrect my own son you'll be out of that body" Araya got up and turned around

"Well to bad I'm not no one's son I'm just an android just like Cy" Kazuki yelled

"Yes you are, you are my responsibility anyway and that's final" Araya said angrily

"You couldn't take care of your son but you think you can take care of me"

"Tell me Araya are you going to torture me in my training like you did him or you're going to watch me get crushed by rocks"

"Shut up, you don't know what you're talking about"

"Yeah guess your right but you are wrong I have all the memories your son has made and besides this is his body am I wrong"

Araya looked at Kazuki

"Your not Kazuki are you"

Kazuki chuckled

"Good job Araya, just remember to tell the engineer to organize his stuff"

"So your someone different are you" Kazuki smirked

"Answer me dammit" Araya grabbed a rock

"You dumb robot" Araya tossed a rock at Kazuki's head


Kazuki got on one knee

*Plan S Activate*

*End Humanity*

"So I'm a dumb robot" Kazuki looked up

"Then let's see how useless you humans are" Kazuki then jumped to a tree and looked at the village

"Bye bye Daikou Village" Kazuki then uses his to hands to make a energy ball

"Explosive Energy Ball"

"Wait Kazuki"

Kazuki tossed it at the Village leaving half the villagers to die

All that left was a crater

"Ha, ha, HAHAHAHAHAHA" Kazuki laughed


"Take that" someone came from behinds and sliced Kazuki's arm off

Kazuki turn around to meet the stranger

A ninja with a cloak on not being able to see he face

"So you think this is funny, you destroy your whole village"

Kazuki frowned

"Yeah it is funny and you know what else is funny"

Kazuki reached out his sliced arm and regenerate it with the wires

"What the"

The shock on his face caught him off guard giving Kazuki the opportunity to land a punch to the stomach

"Oof" Kazuki then clench his hands together and balled it into a fist and hit his head making the unknown ninja fall to the ground

"Don't even bother fighting me unless you want it to be a death wish, Ren"

Ren then gets up from the ground holding his katana in his right hand

"Ren remember what we talked about, you're weak compared to me you forgotten ninja" Ren angry after hearing those word gets up

"Shut up Kazuki you don't know anything and know the truth I'm stronger than you" Ren began to rage

"Sure you are, if you were then let's have at it weakling, let's also not forget you ran away from the village making me stronger than you boy" Kazuki yelled

"Fine then let's go, Stage Two: Mastered Aura Manipulation" Ren used his technique

"You mastered that stage" Ren nodded

"Surprising, let's go then, Stage One: Maximum Power" Ren was confused but it didn't matter he leaped toward Kazuki

"Hold it buddy" Kazuki then took out a fruit

"*munch*, Let's get this party started shall we" Kazuki crush the fruit with his bare hands

Both charged forward at each other clashing their fist causing a few trees to break

Kazuki smirk as he kicked Ren ribs

"Ugh" Kazuki proceed to knee his face and kick his stomach sending him a few feet back

"Damn you're too strong how'd you get this strong" Ren said wiping blood from his mouth

"Simple the legendary fruit it triples my multiplier in stage one" Ren eyes widen

"What's wrong why so surprised, If I were at stage two you would already be dead plus I can't kill you just yet" Kazuki said

"Now pick up your sword and attack me" Kazuki said as Ren picked his sword from the ground

"Still no swordsmen are we" Kazuki got furious; dashing towards Ren

Punching him in the face making his nose bleed

"SHUT UP" Kazuki then grabbed his head and slammed it to the ground

Jumping in the air Kazuki proceed to land on Ren's stomach causing him to scream horribly

"This is why I never wanted you to return Ren" Kazuki said as he picked Ren from his shirt

"Go to hell...." Kazuki says as he dropped a multi fireball jutsu on his face

Kazuki leaps off Ren and runs away

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