Chapter 80

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Oka and Lily sat on the sofa while Yamabuki had a heat stroke

"So how was your training" Oka asked

"I thought this would be light training" Ricka said

"What training did Kazuki go through?" Akari asked

"This isn't training it's literally hell" Enju said


The NSC were fighting Araya and Kikuko with the 55 pound weight

Each one of them went down then got back up then were defeated one again

Soon the time was up and everyone had to walk back to the house with the weights on and exhaust

"Hurry up, Kazuki was barely anything like this" Araya yelled

"Easy for him to say Kazuki has those abilities" Tengge grunted

"He was only 4 when he did this shit now quit whining you sound like his deadbeat brother" everyone was shook

"Only 4 years of age he did this" Everyone with shocked faces except one

"He was born with that power so obviously he was stronger" Ran said annoyed

"Ran-dono Kazuki was way to weak as a child I've defeated him throughout his whole childhood" Ran not taking any crap

"You may never know till you ask" Ran then sped up

End of Flashback

Lily got up and went up to Yamabuki

"So Yamabuki you need some water" Yamabuki didn't say anything so Lily picked her up and took her the the bathroom

There she turned on the cold water and toss Yamabuki in and left the bathroom all to her

Lily went back to sit down with Oka

"So Oka can you tell me about Kazuki?" Lily asked

"Sorry Lily but I guess is our turn to train after we ran away" Lily melted

"Your right" Lily weakened

"Don't worry lass it isn't going to be a 20 minutes training session or anything like that" Kikuko giving a smug

"It better not be or I'll have Kazuki do unspeakable thing to your body hag" Lily blurted out

Kikuko stepped back hugging herself

"Just give Kazuki a thousand years then he'll be able to touch but for now I'm off limits" Kikuko then walked out the house and waited outside

Yamabuki came out the bathroom relieved

"Hey Yamabuki could you bring Kazuki back here I want to have a word with him" Ran went up to Yamabuki demanding Kazuki

"Yeah sure give me my sketchbook and I'll bring him" Ran goes outside back to the training field and rushes back to the Araya residence

"Here" She hand Yamabuki book

"Alright" in less than three minute she is finished

"Arise my puppet" Kazuki now back to the living world once again

"I really got to change my school uniform" said Kazuki

Kazuki stopped for a moment thinking on what he said

"Wait, Yamabuki why can't you get me casual clothes"

"Hey, Kazuki stop arguing" Kazuki turns around and sees a frowning Ran

"Oh Ran, what's up?" Said Kazuki

"How'd you go through that tough training?" Kazuki clueless at what she means

"Kazuki she's talking the training you did when you were 4" Kazuki snapped his fingers

"Oh that, so how'd they do it hag?"

"Terrible, but the only one who put in effort were Akari and Cy" Kazuki smiled

"Well Ran you see I was way to weak so I told my dad and Kikuko to help me train with their most difficult training" Ran gave a confused face

"What do you mean Kazuki?"

"I mean I made myself way to strong with that training even without my abilities" Kazuki said

"What now?" Kazuki put two fingers on his forehead

"I'm saying I wasn't born with these abilities or born with the Legendary Ninjutsu, my brother was the only one born with it but that scumbag left years ago and I hope he's dead" Kazuki said

"Wait so you're saying those aren't your abilities?"

"No Ran they aren't" Kazuki said

"Wait, how weak were you?"

"If my brother used Breaking Point ×5 back then, then that means I was only a fraction of his base form meaning he defeated me more than a hundred times"


"Still with that training I built up to where I can only handle Breaking Point x4 soon he got way to cocky he stopped training and that's where I went on to defeat my own brother" Kazuki said

"So you're saying your brother was stronger than you"

Kazuki nods

"Any more questions?" Kazuki asked

"How'd you get your abilities?"

"That– I forgot, hehe"

"Eh" Kazuki goes to his son's crib and picks him up

"Wait Kazuki I want to train with you" Kazuki turns around a little surprise

"Hmmm" Kazuki rubs his chin

"Oka, what do you think?" Oka points at herself

"Why are you asking me, Master?"

"Because Oka I'm going to start training you again"

"Yes she should join us Kazuki-dono" Oka spoken instantly

"Alright tomorrow we start training and I must tell you Ran my training is far worse than my dad and Kikuko" Kazuki pointed out

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