Ayato and Kazuya

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Kazuki was sent to another mission but this time his father offered him 2 new partner but he refused

"Dad I'm okay on my own, I don't need people calling me a monster" Kazuki said with a tired tone

"Son you need people to aid you in battle if you don't I'll find you dead one day"

I really didn't care because I was strong enough on my own already

"Dad, Mom is gone and Ren is probably gone too for all we know I could be gone before you and soon the village won't have a Chief to rule over"

"All I'm saying is I don't need anyone, not Oka and not Ricka" I got up from the table and left the house on my mission which was to hunt down a business man who went in an abandoned village for unnecessary business

"Alright let's go" I went to the village and cleary told my dad not to send anyone to help me

Ever since my mother's died I gotten way to cocky with my power

I arrived to the village and I could already sense the man

"I wish you were still with us" I clenched my hand and set the house the man was in on fire

He came out burning, flesh melting

"Disgusting" I left immediately taking the 2 boys who were hiding in the bush

"Woah" The boy with long black hair said

"How?" The other boy with brown short hair said in shock

"Hide your presence next time but it was good you guys didn't" I powered up so I could travel faster

That came in handy as I made in in less than 15 minutes back to the village

I placed the two down and they ran off, as for me I had a talk with my dad and of course he knew I was pissed about it

"Anyways, Kazuki you'll have a dangerous mission one day and when that day comes take the boys with you, oh and make sure to pick one of the 2 girls one of them need to continue the bloodline" I looked at my dad disgusted

He gave me a look of "you better do it" of course I 'obligated'

A few weeks passed and I got use to The long black hair boy and the short brown haired boy

The long haired boy was Ayato mainly looked like a girl but he was full male

The brown head was Kazuya and I guess he goes through rough training because he sure does know how to use the Katana and has the face of innocent boy

For all we did was play around and did missions in a group, we always came back victorious but to not make the missions boring I will let them fight the opponent before I end the opponent in an instant

I had fun they were my best friends both Ayato and Kazuya but I wish they came back with me that one time

We had another mission but It was the hardest mission

When the mission was about to start I had to choose between Oka or Ricka

"Hurry, Kazuki pick one" My father commanded

"Ricka, let's go" I went in the room and the rest of the people left the house

"Kazuki why did you choose me?" Kazuki splashed water on his face and splashed it on Ricka's face as well

"Because Ricka you won't tell no one that we did nothing, also I trust you" Ricka was thankful but this wasn't the answer she wanted

"I mean why you didn't pick Oka?" Kazuki turned to look at her

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