Times up

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"Alright let's take down Kyoto once and for all"

"Right" Ren replied

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!" They charged up enough energy for their final battle

Kazuki: "Kyoto you may have driven me crazy back then but I finally understand why"

Ren: "It was you who taught us skill"

Kazuki: "And because of that we are grateful"

Kazuki & Ren: "But because we're Former students of yours we won't go easy"

Ren and Kazuki charged

Both brothers punched and punched Kyoto without letting her recover

Kazuki kicked her and flipped off her while Ren landed a Fire Cannon

"Ren let's go, we can't let her recover"


They went up to Kyoto who lost an arm but before she could regenerate Ren sliced her regenerating arm right back of

"Wind" Kazuki flew over Ren stepping on Kyoto right in the face

Her head was squashed as screws, wires, and metal scraps came right off

Kazuki picked her up by her remaining arm and swung her to the sky

Kazuki gathered all his energy

"1 minute and 30 seconds left here goes" Kazuki took flight

Enju had her plan ready

"Alright guys go" Lily ran towards Araya spear in hand

Akari followed behind same with the rest of the club

Lily attacked with her spear causing Araya to use the Kamuy

Lily kept her guard up as she was fighting her father-in-law

Akari then starts to punch Araya lightly which distracts him

Nanao shoots an Arrow causing Araya to deflect it

"Wind" Tengge swings her fan dropping Araya's guard

"Now guys" Ran pulls a rock prison

While Oka summons her charms

"Senbonzakura: Nature's Wrath" million of petals came rushing towards the rock

"Ricka get ready" Ricka nods

As the rock prison broke Enju and Ricka summoned their ultimate move

"Combination Ninjutsu: White Lighting" and massive strike came crashing from the sky freezing Araya in place

"This should do it" said Yamabuki

"Yeah for a little while" said Lily

"Alright let's go aid Kazuki" They all nod

As they ran off leaving the frozen Araya there

While Kazuki was on his way to finish what he started he looked from afar

"Lighting and Ice" he chuckles

"Good job Ricka, Good job Enju"

He measured where he was going to hit

"Alright I'm betting all the power on my fist to finish this" as Kazuki left every single one of his techniques

"Alright, Fire Dragon" Kazuki planted his fist on Kyoto's chest

"How....." Kazuki flipped as he heel kicked her back

Kazuki dropped back down looking at Kyoto who couldn't move

Moe Ninja Girls: A Unknown PowerWhere stories live. Discover now