Chapter 108

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The Next Day

Kazama was dodging all water attacks from Alejandro

"Alright punk if you don't wanna die then I'll force you to surrender" Kazama was ready

"Water Jutsu: Waves of the Dragon" a dragon in fluid rises from the ground and explodes causing a huge wave

"Water Hypnosis: Freeze" Kazama looked surprised

"No way!!" Kazama was frozen in place

"You surrender" Alejandro looked at the man

Kazama blinked

"Looks like I win" as he defrost the ice

"That kid's good" Araya turned around to Kikuko

"How's Ren?" Kikuko looks at Araya

"He should be fine by tomorrow, luckily Ren has to fight a Ninja in training so it could be a fair match if he doesn't use his ability" Araya nods

"That's good, besides Ren will need all the power he can get before tomorrow"

"Yeah, that's true plus tomorrow he has to fight another ninja in training before fighting the kid from an unknown village"

After the ninja from Momochi village fought Ren was up

"Alright Ren don't over work yourself" Ren nods as he took a bite from the fruit

"This should help me for a little while" Ren walked on the arena and saw the kid they mentioned

'I could make quick work but my body can't take anymore pain'

"Alright big bro don't fail us now"

'Guessing he saw my match yesterday?' Ren stood there and the kid charged

Dodging the coming blow, the kid begins to punch rapidly as Ren dodges and blocks the kid's attack

A knee to the stomach and a leap off the ground

"Alright kid, do you surrender?" The kid holds a white flag

"What the, where'd he get that from?"

"Well folks there you have it, Kai from Momochi village surrenders"

The last match was over before it started

The next day was here and the semi finals were about to start

"In the corner we have Alejandro and on our left we have Komaki from The Fuma Clan"

"Alright kid this battle is over, Phantom Barrier" Alejandro opens his eyes as a barrier is formed, purple smoke rises

"Que, what did she do?" A punch to his gut and a kick to his ribs

"Damn, I guess I have to go all out"

"No you won't, Borrowed Ninjutsu Form One: Elemental Burst"

Now with 5 Elements of Ninjutsu, Ice, Earth, Water, Dark and Fire, Komaki makes her move

With quick jabs to Alejandro face and a high kick to his chin she gets ready

"Fire Cannon Attack" as she leaps back and summons her fireballs, she begins to throw them towards Alejandro

As she finishes her attack she summons a earth jutsu

A rock like prison formed around Alejandro

"Shattered Ice" as sharp icicles poked out the rock with few taints of blood on them

"Darkness Explosion" as the barrier faded and was entering the rock, it exploded

Alejandro laid their not moving an inch

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