An Unsuspected Guest

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Kazuki was outside training with his brother in hand to hand combat while dodging and blocking each others punches, Lily called out to the both of them that dinner was ready

"Well Ren this is where we stop for today" Kazuki told his brother "Yeah but hey now that I think about it is it possible to fuse one more time" Kazuki stopped and looked at Ren "Look the reason I didn't mention the first time we fused was because our power is dangerous and I don't want them thinking we're some maniacs from Daikou Village" Kazuki just went inside to eat whatever his girlfriend wrapped up

Ren stayed outside to think about what his brother said

"Master Kikuko, teach us the fusion spell" Kikuko smiled and taught the two the fusion spell

"By our combined powers we will defeat our enemy, to free our world from evil" Both kids said

"I Kazuki"

"I Ren"

"We will turn our enemy to ashes" Was the final line before a glow in their hearts emerged merging the 2 brother

Kikuko felt their power even she had to admit that the boys were almost at her level "Kazuki...err..Ren" The fused boys laughed "Call us RenZuki" RenZuki looked at Kikuko but something was off about their power

"Hey Master could you move aside" He said and Kikuko obliged and with one punch to a tree they made a crack that was about 100 ft long

RenZuki was terrified and wanted to leave the fused body so Kikuko tapped on their pressure points and calmed down to defuse

Ren went back inside and showered when Kazuki left the showers

The Next day

Kazuki was in the town and took his son with him to the park "Alright Yuto play in the sandbox with the other kids" Kazuki smiled at his son and his son giggled "How does he know so much as a 4 month old?" Kazuki questions himself

Yuto was playing with sand with the other kids when Kazuki's phone rang. He took out his phone and it was Lily, he looked next to a lady in her mid 20s "Hey Miss could you watch my son he's the one with the blue bib and the casual clothes" The woman was confused but did as she was told while Kazuki went next to a tree to answer his phone

"Hey Lily what's wrong?" Kazuki asked "Hey dear there is someone who wanted to see you but I told them you were at the park, so I wanted to know if you knew them" Kazuki thought of some people who could possibly want to meet him

"No Lily I don't know" Kazuki said  "Well dear come home soon lunch will be ready soon" Lily smiled through the phone "Alright I'll make sure to come home as soon as possible" Kazuki replied and both exchanged their goodbyes

As Kazuki sat back down he felt a presence but ignored it "Barrier" Kazuki mumble and that's when the unknown figure crashes down on top of his Barrier

"Everyone grab your kids and leave" Kazuki yelled while everyone made there way to their children and picked each one of them up and left

"Yuto" Kazuki picked his child up and released the Barrier putting the Barrier around his son and placing him down next to the bench he was sitting on

"That Barrier should be strong enough to withstand any attack no matter how strong it is" Kazuki got in fighting form

The figure was wearing a cloak and took the hood off "I had a felling you'd want revenge on me Sanzo but I guess idiots like you can't let go off the past" He looked at Kazuki straight in the eyes and looked at the toddler behind him and smiled

Kazuki sensed it and went in front of his son protecting him from a major explosion "A cheap shot, Lily could've send me with Yuto but instead I've would've seen you there too" Kazuki smiled and charged, Sanzo blocked his attacks trying to buy himself some time. "So Araya how does this feel?" Sanzo shot him with a special bullet on both his shoulder "Ugh, You and your damn cheap shots"

"Cheap shot, No its because your predictable" Kazuki put his head down "I see" without saying anything his blood rushed through his body and smiled "Let's see how predictable I am now" with a full powered strike to his chest he was knocked back "Sanzo your not as strong as you talk" Sanzo looked at him "Just you wait coward" Sanzo got up and took out his sword and charged

Swing his sword in a professional matter he was able to hit Kazuki while Kazuki dodged a few. "Seem like you not bad after all" Kazuki compliments "Yeah it doesn't matter though" Sanzo took the opportunity and shot Kazuki again with the special bullet

Kazuki was now wounded badly "Damn" He looked at his son and smiled "Not Now!!!" Kazuki got up and charged at Sanzo but he had the upper hand "Well Araya it seems like you can't move anymore" Sanzo smiled

"He may not move but at least he can still function correctly" Sanzo turned around "Kazuki Lily told me to get you because you were taking to long but I guess I can tell why" Ren looked at his nephew "Father of the year you could say" Kazuki looked at Ren

"Hurry up and help me here" Ren smiled "As long as Yuto is okay then sure" Ren was behind Sanzo and Kazuki was infront of him

They both charged at max speed and clashed

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