The Message

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It was the next day and the girls felt better and could move easily and faster than before

"Wow I'm fast" Akari said

"Yep now it's time to Master these movements and how fast we go" Enju said as the rest nod

"Oh by the way, Lily" Lily looking up at Enju

"Where's Yuto?" Lily smiles

"He's with his grandfather, but now that you mention it I haven't seen them in the past 5 days wonder where they are, grr if he puts my baby boy in any danger Kazuki will have a dad in a vase"

Yuto and Araya

"Alright Yuto see what your father can't do and I can" Araya takes out a bottle of bubbles and waves it around

"Now that's a big bubble" Yuto giggled

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"Well he's probably doing better than Kazuki" Oka said

"Shut it Oka just because you said that doesn't mean that I'll break it off with Kazuki" Lily said with an annoyed tone

"Alright stop fight you two we have to go to Master Kikuko before she comes and pull us by the hair" Everyone nods expect Lily and Oka

"Alright" Lily and Oka said at the same time

They left the house and began their walk

In a few minutes they got to the training grounds

"Finally you've made it I was about to come get y'all by the hair" Kikuko smiled casually

"So Master, what's the plan?" Yamabuki asked

"Glad you asked lass because today we'll be testing out your speed and movements and how far you improved with the cheat"

"But just remember it will be the first time just like how Kazuki will never be your first time" Everyone annoyed except Lily

"So who's up" Nanao walked up

"Nanao, rare but sure give it a go" Nanao went to the center of the training ground

"Alright Nanao first up speed and I want you to run from here to Daikou and back here in your best time also use full speed and don't hold back" Nanao nods

"Alright, Ready, Set, Go" Nanao took off

Passing the forest entered Daikou Village and stopping while she ran off back to the training grounds

"Alright Nanao 18.8 Seconds, Okay next up Arrow Launch" Kikuko tossed Nanao 3 arrows and her bow

"Alright Nanao launch those 3 arrows in one go as high and accurate as you can" Nanao shook nervously

"Alright let's see how this training treated me" Nanao get into stance Bow in hand

Lifting up her Bow she gets the 3 arrows and put the end of the arrow on her string

Pulling it back she calculates her accuracy and let go

All 3 arrows launched to the sky straight forward till they began to fall back down

All 3 arrows landed 3 feet from each other

"Wow Nanao great job even though you couldn't get it above the clouds but your one amazing human"

"Thank Master"

"Alright Nanao last test, healing" Kikuko grabs a sword and gives herself a scar on her arm

"Now heal" Nanao scared puts her hands over and concentrates in a instant the scar starts to close up

Kikuko is now healed

Moe Ninja Girls: A Unknown PowerWhere stories live. Discover now