Chaper 105

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"First match of the day, Kazama from the Momochi Clan and Yui from Daikou Village"

"Guessing this will be interesting" Araya said with a smirk

"I trained under my chief so I won't hesitate to hold back" Yui yelled

"So did I" Kazama and Yui charged at each other

Both were injured badly after 25 minutes in the arena

Kazama with a bloody face got up

"Water Jutsu: Waves of the Dragon"

"Do you surrender, Yui?" Yui looks up at Kazama

"I.. surrender" Kazama stops his jutsu and claims victory

"Kazama wins, see you in the quarterfinals"

"Next Saki from Momochi and Alejandro from... well guessing he didn't write his village down"

"How old are you?" Alejandro puts up 4 fingers up

"Hm, you're not from here are you?"

"Stop asking my son questions"

"Huh?" Saki turns to her left to see a tan man with ninja gear and a Katana on his left waist

"What a handsome man"

"So instead of flirting with my dad fight me"

"You can talk"

"Of course I can"

"So where are you from?"

"Can't answer"

"Well alright let's fight" Saki went for a punch but Alejandro grabbed her fist and punched her face

"That punch was strong but where I come from I'll show you a little bit of my power, Stage One Maximum Power" Alejandro powered up and his speed and strength increased

He ran towards Saki and dropped kicked her in the stomach

He threw a couple of punches but Saki stop flinching

"What!?" Saki smiled as looked at Alejandro

"Now this is fun" her speed increased as she started to vanish left and right

Alejandro couldn't keep up but he had something up his sleeve

"Okay, if only I can find a weak point from that vanishing I could go to my next stage and end it there" as Saki was still vanishing

Alejandro found her next move and punched her gut

"Stage Two: Full Power" Alejandro gain a little muscle and grew 6 centimeters taller

"This is it, do you surrender?" Saki laughed as she shakes her head

One strong punch and a small gust of wind is made from behind her back

"Do you surrender?" Saki shakes her head "no" once more

And another punch

"Last time Miss Saki, Do you surrender?" Alejandro shouts

"No!!" Saki manage to call out

"Sudden death it is"

With more and more punches Saki begins to cough more and more blood

"Thanks for the battle Miss Saki, Water Hypnosis, Freeze" As Saki was wet out of nowhere she froze as ice began to cover her body

"Stage Three: Extended Strength" as he went back to normal size and lost that little muscle gain, but a new blue Aura emerged

As he balled his fist, he leaped off the ground and straight for a punch

The ice shattered and Saki was in pieces on the arena floor

Alejandro got on on knee and clasped his hands together and closed his eyes

"I didn't want to do it, so rest well" Alejandro opened his eyes and stood up and walked away from the arena

"Well folks there you have it, Alejandro wins" The announcer said with a gulp

"Can we get the cleaners out here to clean up this mess"

Two people came out with hazmat and cleaned the mess

"Wow, strong" Alejandro walked past Ren and towards his dad

(Good work, son")

"Buen trabajo, hijo" His father said in a deep voice

("It was nothing, but she could've escaped her death")

"No fue nada, pero ella podría haber escapado su muerte" Alejandro said while looking at Ren

("Hey, dad")

"Oye, papá"

("What's happened, Son?")

"Qué pasó, hijo?

"That boy right over there, I can sense his aura"

"Me too"

"If I get to fight him, I can make him surrender and leave with the prize and sell it off"

"Son watch what you say, your mother is out there sitting with the crowd, beside she's probably mad you killed someone" Alejandro looked at his father

"Your right, sir"

After the 2 matches were done Ren was up

"Next is Ren From Daikou Village and Akane from Momochi village"


"Yep that's me"

"Are your mom and dad watching you too?"

"Of course they are" Ren said to the little girl

"Cool my parents are watching too"

"Nice let's put on a show for them"

"Here goes" Ren charges at Akane with his fist

Akane catches Ren's fist

Ren kicks leaps off her making her loosen her grip and letting him go

Ren stands there looking for an opening

"If I had to guess, Illusion Clone Jutsu"

"Huh!?!" Akane was caught by surprise as the clones and Ren charged at her

"Wind Jutsu: Wind Slash"

"What!?!?" As Akane spun around, she swayed her hand causing a sharp wind slash, defeating all Illusion and knocking Ren back with a minor cut to his abdomen

"Hm, I'm guessing it has to be this way" Ren took out the fruit of undying and ate the whole thing spiting the 4 seed out

"Here goes, Flame Jutsu: Underground Groundhog" Ren ran up to Akane with serious punches she manages to catch and dodge

"Fire Dust" Akane caught off guard gets the dust in her eyes as she screamed

Ren leaped away as a large flaming groundhog emerged from the ground and swallowing Akane whole

"Outburst Air Current" as a strong gust of wind is released making the groundhog disappear

"She is on strong girl, but could it be she also was born with it or could it be she is just that strong"

"Hey I'm impressed by your skill, but there is something I can't tell"

"What is it??" Akane asked excited

"How are you so strong?"

"I don't know I was born strong"

"Well in that case I'm sure you can keep up with my final technique"

"Oh cool"

"Breathe in, Breathe out"

"Legendary Ninjutsu: Breaking Point x2"

As large energy explodes from Ren

"Now let's see what you've got" Ren smiled

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