Chapter 5

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Kazuki PoV

It was a new day but for me it was more awkward going to school after that terrifying dream I had last night and it's something that'll be burn in my memory

I was also up early  "I'll just call in sick as it would feel weird to go to school just having a fever dream"

After the call I just laid in bed thinking where could he be and that's when I heard a knock at my door, I turn to look at my clock "10:30, who could be skipping class to see me"

I open the door and to my surprise it was Akari "A-Akari, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in class" I asked  "Kazuki, I heard you were sick so I brought you a bento" I guess that's sweet, wait a minute, when did she have time to make this

"Oh, Thanks but when did you have time to make this" I asked but she just dodged the question

"Your welcome Kazuki, doyou need anything else?" She asked me and I shook my head

"No this is fine but I do have something to tell you" I looked at Akari who was curious, I got near her ear and whispered "Get Back To Class" with that Akari snapped out of it and noticed she was skipping class to see me

"I'm sorry Kazuki, please eat the beanto, I'll talk to you later" and she ran off "Damn she's fast" I went inside and put the beanto on my table

"Well I'll eat it later" I got on my bed and just laid there till I got sleepy

6 hours later

I woke up after that long nap and as I woke up I saw the beanto Akari left for me or was it me getting it from her? It didn't matter I'm hungry

I touched it and it was somehow warm "Did Akari break into my house?" But I didn't matter as long as it's warm. I grabbed the chopsticks "Thanks for the food" I began to eat peacefully

After the delicious bento I ate, I played a few video games before I took a shower and got hungry again

"Might pick up something from the convenience store" I just when with my casual wear "Alright time to go" Once I opened the door, My hot pink haired girlfriend was there

"Oka? What are you doing here? Did something happened?" She shook her head "No, Kazuki-Dono I was just worried about you, since you didn't answer your phone"

"Phone?" I looked at my bed and I saw it "Oh you mean this rectangle with a window on it?" Kazuki questioned "Yes Kazuki that thing"

"Yeah, sorry about that I was just playing video games and totally forgot about that"

"You should be sorry Kazuki, your father bought you this phone and you should at least use it" I looked at Oka "But I don't want to" I replied "Oh then what would you do if your father died and this was the last thing he bought his son" Oka said

"Fine I'll use it but anyways I'm going to the convenience store,please locked the door when you leave"

"Hold it Master, you have to eat something edible not everything you eat has to be frozen" Oka went to my refrigerator

"Wait Oka I have nothing in my refrigerator" She was shocked, it was empty as a desert

"Alright Master I'll have to buy a few things at the store" I guess she leave me not choice, I read it in a manga once "Wow I guess you do care about your boyfriend this much" Oka blushed and stepped back "Boyfriend?" She spoke as she ran away

"Alright, since she's gone I'll go and get me something to eat" I closed and locked his door from behind and walked to the store

I got my things and payed for it and as I walked down the path back to the dorms I heard someone in the bushes but ignored it, still I kept my guard up

At the same time I felt no aura nor did I felt presence. That's when I looked to my side at where the bush was at and I saw a little girl with a ninja garb run out

"Hey, girl are you lost?" I asked her

"Oh no I'm alwight Mistwr, I just got sepworated from my mother Zina thwts awl" this girls grammer isn't right, but I'll just head home

Wait I can't leave her out here, there are a lot of predators out since it's the most common technique that they do, even though it's weird to take her in but I can't leave her here

So I decided to take her in

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