Chapter 9: Too much of a TV

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After I walked passed Sakusa, I quickly caught up with Kiyoko and hugged her from behind snuggling my face into her neck. Her hand touched my face which caused me to look up at my beautiful wife planting her lips atop of mine. Her lips tasted of strawberry lipgloss. "What did I do to deserve you", I ask and she smiles at me and saids " Actually it's what did I DO to deserve you?" Kiyoko then grabs my hand and we walk side by side to another aisle, but as we are walking her face turns serious and she questions what I said to Sakusa. "I just gave him advice" I say nonchalantly, but she eyes me suspiciously. "Whatever you say Ryu" as she looks forward and squeezes my hand. God I love Kiyoko.


I wonder what Ryu-Chan whispered to Sakusa. Well I guess it's not a huge issue, but the biggest issue right now is my pride. Both me and Sakusa were still I the aisle where we found the Tanaka's and I seriously need to go buy new pads. I look at Sakusa, "Hey I need to go get something right over there, you can go and find the TV you want," I was hoping Sakusa was going to read the situation, but no. He looks at me and saids "I might aswell go with you and we can get the TV together." I sigh What was I thinking he is way to dense, I might aswell lose my pride here and now, I mean he did see me cry. I woman up and look at him and say " Well that's fine with me, but I am just going to grab some pads from over there," Sakusa's reply is something I didn't think of, but probably should have when you really think about it. Sakusa's face turns into a disgusted one and I swear I heard him mumble that he was glad he was not a girl. You should be lucky, periods stink literally and figuratively. Sakusa quickly replied and said that he would meet me in the TV aisle after I got what I needed. I quickly walked to get my pads and as I started walking over to the TV aisle I start thinking. What will my reply to Sakusa be? I mean I have only known the guy for a few days, but we seem pretty close. But then again it's just a small crush. He likes the idea of me not me. But what if he does like me? No Kanoka, you need to stop thinking like that. I just got over Ryu-Chan and I don't think I'm ready for the mental stress of being in love and going out with a person. Sakusa isn't bad though. He plays volleyball and is going to the Olympics like me, he is hygienic, and who can lie he is really good-looking. As I have these thoughts I make it to the TV aisle and I see Sakusa waiting for me. I smile and walk up to him, "Soooo what kind of TV do you want?", Sakusa looks at the TV's then at me and saids "You choose."

I thought I heard wrong, "Pardon?", Sakusa saids again "You choose." I look at him like he is crazy because he is, Who in the right mind just says you choose which TV I get. "I really can't do that, choosing a TV for someone else is a huge responsibility," Sakusa just glares and I freeze up and yell, "oh well this one looks nice!" I am so stupid... the TV I pointed at was 4000 dollars! No person should spend that much money for a TV alone. " I am so sorr-", "looks nice let's get it and go." I look at Sakusa then back at the TV then Sakusa and the TV. "Sakusa, are you ok?" Sakusa looks at me saying that he is fine and I can't say anything back because honestly I have the guy feeling that if I try to say anything he won't care. Sakusa now looks at me like he is waiting for something. I look at him back and my mind clears all the fog. "Oh you want to know don't you, well here is my answer if that's the case!"

Author note: I'm so sorry for not updating in forever I just didn't feel like it though- anyways I'll try updating weekly. Every Saturday or Sunday so-

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