Chapter 8: TanaKiyo is cannon-

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As the two of them quickly go off to the TV aisle the pass the body works aisle and Kanoka mentions she needs to restock on shampoo and conditioner. Sakusa starts to follow her, but Kanoka starts blushing as she realizes he is following her. Kanoka reaches the shampoo and conditioner she needed and Sakusa makes note of what kind of shampoo and conditioner she uses. Kanoka was still flustered for some reason that she couldn't even sense someone behind her. "Guess who~?" a female sounding person said as they covered Kanoka's eyes with their hands. Kanoka responds confused "you sound like someone I know- WAIT KIYOKO?!" the ominous person giggled and turned Kanoka around and said "yup that's me" as she gave Kanoka a hug. Kanoka hugged her back and then it hit Kanoka. "Wait is Ryu here? I haven't seen him in a while since I moved to Tokyo. Wait- what are you guys doing in Tokoyo?" Kiyoko replied saying that Tanaka is probably deciding which chips he wants and that they came here to visit for lols. Kanoka laughed thinking Ryu hasn't changed, that's why he is so amazing!

Kanoka and Kiyoko decided to catch up for about 3 minutes until Kiyoko finally asks "what's Sakusa Kiyoomi doing next to you? Are you guys dating?" Kanoka turns red and said " no no we aren't, it's a long story... trust me". A few seconds after that Tanaka starts coming yelling " KIYOKO I DECIDED I WANT BARBECUE FLAVORED LAYS". He notices Kanoka and runs up to her and gives her a hug which if anyone remembered Sakusa is still next to her and now started eyeing Tanaka like a bat. Kanoka starts making small talk with Tanaka but Tanaka had other issues- specifically with the off brand Levi. "Aye city boy- you looking to fight? Don't think cuz your tall your the shit" Sakusa looks at him and rolls his eyes in disgust. "Kanoka get out the way for me please." Tanaka said calmly but his aura said otherwise " THIS JERK MIGHT ATTACK YOU KANOKA MOVE-" until he was interrupted with smack to the head by Kiyoko. Kiyoko sighs and saids "Ryu, if you remember this is Sakusa Kiyoomi. He used to play on Itachimiya back in high school but now he plays on Hinata team. And he also is kinda Kanoka's date." Tanaka looked at Kanoka and asked if this what he called a "jerk" her date.

Kanoka laughs as she rubs the back of her head and explains that Sakusa is not her date, but a friend. Sakusa stands their and though no one seems to notice Sakusa seemed down by the word friend describing Kanoka and himself. Once Kanoka is done Sakusa adds that he would like to get home before it gets dark so insits that the conversation move faster. Kiyoko smiles at him and tells Kanoka that her and Tanaka will be on their way and they give their goodbyes. As they start to walk off Tanaka stops by Sakusa and whispers something that only him and Sakusa could here. Tanaka then walks off following Kiyoko and all left is Kanoka and Sakusa.

Authors note: This is a short chapter Ik😓, but I wanted to get a chapter out before 2021. Also I'm kinda at a small writers block so recommendations would be appreciated

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