Chapter 6: Before our movie

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When I get out of the building and check no one is around I finally break my façade. I cry silently sliding against the wall, burying my head into my knees. It hurts so badly... when I saw you playing against Inarizaki and saw that cross shot I knew my heart was being ripped apart. But I understand why now but it still hurts.


I change into sweat pants and a shirt and go outside to meet up with Kanoka when I here crying. I go check out the noises to see Kanoka was crying. I froze. Why was she crying? I only left for ten minutes. I walk up to her and hand her my handkerchief.

"I don't know why you're crying, but I am here for you whatever it is."

Kanoka looks up to see me looking down on her holding a handkerchief. I squat down and hand her my handkerchief. "Here, wipe your tears and keep it." Kanoka grabs the handkerchief, "Thank you."

Kanoka wipes her tears as I start to get up. I offer her hand sanitizer as she just wiped her tears and she quicly takes it. As she is wiping her hands I put my hand out she grabs it and I pull her up from the ground. I promise you will never cry again, not when I'm around.

The two of us both knew Komori was probably at practice so getting a ride from him wasn't an option so we took the bus. On the bus which thank god was not crowded the two of us talked about volleyball which I mostly interrogated her in, but luckily she isn't a threat to me since we will never play against each other in an official match.

Once we got back to the apartment complex Kanoka started talking about what we should do. "Your coach said to take me somewhere so where do you wanna go?" "Home." Kanoka who could obviously not tell that we should both go home said, "Great, we are going to your apartment to watch a movie!" That's not what I meant, but never mind now.

Kanoka continues, "I need to take a shower and change so I'll just go home do that stuff and come to your apartment which by the way which is your apartment?" "5th floor, room 42"
"Ok then see you soon!"

Kanoka started to walk towards her part of the complex as her black hair and gentle smile followed her. As she walked farther away from me I went into the elevator  pressed the 5th floor button and wiped my hands with hand sanitizer because those buttons are disgusting. I got off the elevator and headed towards my apartment.


I feel so good right now. Like my whole body has opened up and angles entered it. When I think of Tanaka nothing besides being friends pops up. When I think of Tanaka and Kiyoko's marriage I feel 100% happy for them. My mood has turned for the better. I yell " IM DONE WITH RYU AND I WILL SOONER OR LATER FIND A GUY WHO LOVES ME AND I LOVE THEM MORE THAN I LOVED RYU"

I enter the shower gleefully thinking about how good I feel. And honestly this is the best shower I have had in a long time. I get out the shower and put on a white T-shirt and shorts. I grab my phone, slip on my shoes, and head towards Sakusa's apartment. As I stop at the door of his apartment it hit me. I'm going to be in A GUY'S HOUSE! I blush at thought alone. It's just Sakusa, his house is probably just really clean and has a lot of clorox in his cabinets. I knock and Sakusa answers the door. Surprisingly he still has his mask on, but I pay little attention to it.

I enter his apartment and I was correct: his house had sanitizer on every table and top and was spotless. I was scared to walk into his house as I felt much dirtier than the floor and I just took a shower! Sakusa tells me to come in and he doesn't mind me exploring the house which in his terms means "you are not a threat to the cleanest in my house so walk in." I let out a small laugh at the way he phrased it and how he did it unintentionally. He questions my laugh and I tell him it's nothing and he shrugs it off.

Sakusa x Kanoka: Trust me, I'm in love with youWhere stories live. Discover now