Chapter 7: All cuz of a TV

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I may die today... 365 Days is 30 minutes in and hasn't had a single wholesome part. It's currently just a sex movie. I convinced Sakusa to let us watch it to the end, but if nothing wholesome happens he might get...wait....he WILL get pissed. Currently his face is like he is digging in the trash. I think this much physical contact just scares him. Cant wait to meet the woman who gives birth to his child. The first thing I will ask her is how she was able to do it without him rejecting it. Man that woman deserves all the praise. I pray for this future woman.

365 Days is finally over and I sit there sweating. I know he is staring at me. I'm scared of the things that could happen to me. I should just leave, but the time reads 3:00 pm. Man I wish that 3 on 3 game lasted longer, we literally came back so early. " Soo how was the movie" I asked frightened of the answer. Sakusa responded with this cold aura coming from saying " what do YOU think of the movie, Kanoka?" I sigh and say " I really hated that my friend tricked me.. This movie sucked" Sakusa just sighs and walks off to the kitchen. I- what is he doing in the kitchen? He comes back with  a hammer.IS HE GOING TO HAMMER ME?! He walks up to me and I start shivering and he stops. I plead " IM SO SORRY, I DIDNT KNOW THE MOVI-" Sakusa walks over to the TV and hits the screen with the hammer " That movie was dirty and nothing in my house will be dirty" I sit there in shock. Sakusa breaks the silence and asks " did you think I was going to hit you?" I respond with yes and he said that he was sorry.

"Let's go" Sakusa said nonchalantly. I ask where and he said we were going shopping for a new TV. Man this guy has money if he just wants to buy a new TV. But then again he is going to the olympics so it is not surprising. But I'm going to the olympics aswell and I don't have money to waste like that- Sakusa pulls my arm towards the door and tells me to put my shoes on. I do as told and he drags me to my apartment and tells me to go grab a jacket or something to shield me from the cold. I grab my new favorite hoodie and run back to Sakusa. We then both started walking and it was silent for about 3 minutes, but then it hit me. " Sakusa it's 3:15 pm, your cousin can't take us since he is at practice so how are we going to get there?" Sakusa responds with a disgusted tone and replies with "the bus". I felt bad for Sakusa since currently it was rush hour so I grabbed his hand and cheerfully replied " Don't worry I wont let anyone get near us" He started to heat up but I thought maybe it was just me who felt the heat. It's impossible to heat up in November.


... the way she said she would protect me and held my hand.. I kinda wanna go on that bus. We make it to the bus stop and I change my mind, I don't wanna go on that bus. Kanoka grabs my hand and drags me to the back of the and puts her feet on all the other seats next to us. She really is protecting me. Kanoka turns to me and smiles " Told you I wouled protect you" I look at her and just reply with a "tch". She laughs and we make small talk on the way. We get off the bus and walk over to the mall and we get inside. Surprise Suprise, Kanoka is met with 5 teenage boys who claimed to be her fans. What guy actually watched female volleyball? Unless- She starts giving them autographs but while she was doing that I noticed they were staring at her chest and butt. I was done.

I walk up to them and say in the sweetest voice "Kanoka-chan, you promised me, your dear boyfriend, that you would help me shop for somethings" She stood stiff and so did those boys. The boys stopped what they were doing and hurried Kanoka and they left. Kanoka was still stiff. " I'm sorry, it's just those boys were being disgusting" Kanoka sighed and responded with " I know that already Sakusa, but thank you anyways!" as she smiled angelically. Damn.. I want her for myself- but I can't own a person. Didn't the three amigos say they want her for themselves? I have stooped as low as them. I made a disgusted dark face as I was so disappointed in myself for acting like them. Kanoka asked what was wrong and explained my issue. I don't know why, but Kanoka was red and looked as stiff as a bored. I ask "Kanoka what's wrong" and she starts blush. she then starts to laugh uncontrollably and smiled " Sakusa do you have a crush on me?" I respond with a yes and she starts to smile and say " Well your as blunt as ever! That's what I like about you!" I don't respond and she saids " I'll respond to your feelings after we get that TV!" and she starts to walking towards the TV aisle and I quickly follow her.

Sakusa x Kanoka: Trust me, I'm in love with youWhere stories live. Discover now