Chapter 1: how they met

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It's been years since I got dumped by Tanaka indirectly, but I'm a Kiyoko and Tanaka shipper now so it doesn't matter. Sometimes it gets to me but who would like me when there is a real life goddess? Anyways being on Japans female Olympic team being the ace is a hard enough job as it is so my love life is not important and does not plan on being pursued anytime soon.


It was 5:00 am and I was riding the bus to get to practice. The bus stops and picks someone else up that looked really familiar but who am I to know. The guy had a mask, luscious black hair, and these two moles above his eye stacked upon each other. Not going to lie he was hot but the aura he was admitting was cold and dark. He was the real Shoto Todoroki. As I stared he glanced at me which made me flinch. He sat down right next to me, but I could see he didn't want to. As I kept staring it hit me. That was Sakusa, one of the top aces in Japan with really flexible wrists.

"Do you have a staring problem?", he asks. He caught me staring. "Oh no.. I'm so sorry it's just it took me a while before I realized who you were," I said with a smile waving my hand trying to wave it off, but he didn't seem to get the memo. He asks "and that is?" "your Sakusa right? One of the top aces in Japan?" Hopefully it is really Sakusa so I don't look dumb and get embarrassed.


No one has ever recognized me in public and considering I never take the bus besides today she is pretty good. I take a good look at her, she's pretty cute and has really good hygiene (it's in his gut instinct to know someones hygiene based on looks) so I'm not complaining.

"What's your name and how do you know me?" "I'm Amanai Kanoka, I'm surprised I figured out who you are as well. Let's just say I'm really into volleyball," She responded quickly looking away as she fidgeted with her fingers.

She also plays volleyball, that's a good thing. I like her. "Give me your phone." She hands me the phone, "Here?"

I start cleaning her phone and once I'm done, I put my number in. Kanoka started to giggle and said, "so you really are a germaphobe, I knew the rumors were true!" I ignore the comment, "Here is my number, we should play volleyball sometime."


Dang he is bold. "I hope you know that I'm pretty good at volleyball." Sakusa looks at me with disgust. " Your pretty cocky for someone who plans on beating a top ace. And the fact you acknowledge this and still act like this is disgusting." Kanoka just stared until it dawned on her. I think I forgot to mention I am the number 1 ace in the female division of Japan

I just smile, "just wait and see"

My stop came right after that and I waved bye to Sakusa, but he was already to busy with his phone so he just gave me a peace sign.

at MSBY Black Jackals practice later that day

Everyone was on edge today and not because there was a game coming or whatever. It was because Sakusa seemed cheerful that day.

"Bokuto... Omi-San said something nice to me today..." Hinata whispered over to Bokuto. Bokuto whispered back"Yeah, I think something is obviously wrong." The two of them look at each other and then Sakusa. Bokuto continues, "let's go ask him."

The two idiots start walking to Sakusa and finally made it to their possible last destination

Hinata asks Sakusa, "Omi-San... DID YOU GET HIT BY A CAR?!" Sakusa doing his last stretches, facing the wall says in a monotone voice, "No, why and stop yelling." Bokuto comes to Hinata's defense, "You are being toooooo cheerful like usually it is a 0/10 but today is a 3/10!"

Sakusa turned to them and everyone in the room could smell the bloodlust and prayed that those two idiots make it out alive

Sakusa took a breath in and sighed, "I talked to a girl today"


Atsumu who was close by overheard, "HUHHHHH!?" "who was talking to you," Sakusa asked, but as always it was ignored. "Since when did you talk to well anyone," Atsumu yelled as the whole team listened in on the conversation. Sakusa talking to anyone let alone a girl was big news.

Atsumu, Bokuto, and Hinata got into a huddle. "I think Sakusa is playing a prank," Hinata whispered. They all agreed on that until Bokuto said, "But Omi doesn't do pranks so he is for real...." they all turn back to Sakusa. "HEY HEY HEY WHO WAS THE LUCKY GIRL?" Bokuto yells.

Sakusa sighs and responds with, "ok fine," and he explains his story within 10 seconds.

Hinata cheerfully replies "Ohhh I know her, she was the girl who I think had a crush on Tanaka. She went to Nationals in my first year. She was shown of the TV. Miyagi's female team representative"

Sakusa stopped paying attention the second he heard the word crush. That word dampened his mood and he went back to his normal self.

" Go bother someone else you disgusting little idiots"

The second the team had felt Sakusa return to normal and insult the three of them they had stopped listening in on the conversation.

Authors note (edit): I reread this and I thought I could to ten times better so I made it a bit longer and made it sound better.

Sakusa x Kanoka: Trust me, I'm in love with youWhere stories live. Discover now