31. Massage || K. SJ || One-Shot (M)

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Friday, the day of the week I looked most forward to. I symbolized the end of the week and the beginning of temporary freedom. Freedom to get out of bed late since there was no work, freedom to lay on the couch all day in pajamas, freedom to go out with friends without a worry about having to work the next day, except for Sunday that's another rant in itself.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips as the warm water ran down my cold skin. It had been raining non stop for the past few days making my journey to work so much harder. Each day I got home with damp clothes, frizzy hair and wet shoes even when I used a raincoat and umbrella, the wind was merciless.

The water warmed my fingers and toes making my muscles relax, the stress of work washing away. I couldn't wait to get in bed and cuddle up to Seokjin. He'd been so busy the past few weeks with a comeback nearing they'd been practicing relentlessly especially the choreographies. Whenever he got home, he'd take a shower and headed straight to bed being unconscious in a matter of minutes. That didn't stop me from cuddling up to him and wrapping an arm around him only to find his arms around me in the morning. He made me feel protected and warm in his embrace. Sadly, the alarm would ring dragging me away from my own personal heater and into the cold street. 

No more though, because, finally, he would be getting the weekend off work and we'd be able to do nothing and spend some well deserved quality time together. I missed my baby even if we did sleep together every night. The rushed morning kisses and sporadic text messages throughout the day not being nearly enough for us.

I don't blame him though he gets to follow his dream something not many people get to do. As long as he is happy I'm happy too. There are rough days where he gets sad or mad because he can't land a dance move or hit a note. He would whine and mumble about giving up and that the boys would be okay without him yet the next day he wakes up bright and early ready to try again, the expectations of the fans urging him on.

Leaving the comfort of the shower, I dried myself off and put on some underwear along with one of Seokjin's t-shirts. They were extremely soft and smelt like him making them the best to sleep in, not to mention they are huge on me since he likes using them oversized too. I laid in bed scrolling through tiktok waiting for him to get home and cuddle me, I was in need of them, seriously. I checked the time and saw it was 7 pm I grimaced realizing I had taken a lot of time in the shower, but Jin would be home soon in around an hour. Minutes passing by my eyes unfocused from the screen and my hands went limp on the pillow beside me and I closed my eyes, making a last minute decision to take a nap before he got home.

The room's door opening made me open my eyes and grab my phone pretending I was not asleep a second ago.

"Don't pretend I saw you asleep," Jin spoke, entering the room.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Sitting up on the bed I denied his accusations.

"You can go to sleep, you don't have to wait for me."

"I wanted to see you," I pouted, waving him over to where I was sitting.

"I love you," He murmured, giving me a soft kiss.

"I love you too," I responded, wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders.

"You okay?" I questioned, seeing him wince.

"Yeah, just my shoulder," he assured me, standing straight and rubbing his left shoulder.

"Go take a shower, I'll give you a massage when you get back."

"You're the best," he yelled, walking into the master bathroom.

Standing from the bed, I searched for the small bottle of oil I bought for times like these. It wasn't uncommon for me to give Seokjin massages. He was constantly in motion if it wasn't dance practice it was working out so something is always hurting. I loved it though, not that he was in pain, but that I could give him some relief and relaxation. It also served as an intimate moment between us being close and feeling each others skin, learning what they liked and hated, what made them lower their defenses.

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