28. Flower Shop Boy || P. JM || One-Shot

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Thea walked down the sunny street taking in all the little stores and cafes

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Thea walked down the sunny street taking in all the little stores and cafes. She had recently moved into town and was getting used to getting around. The sun was blaring in her eyes preventing her from seeing too far down, the light breeze cooling her skin and making a mess of her hair. She didn't care though she was enjoying the good weather.

A particularly strong breeze caressed her face, making her sense of smell awaken from the sudden floral scent. Thea squinted her eyes and a few stores down there was a flower shop, outside it had a display showcasing the brightest flowers already wrapped to go, a fan blowing cool air and a mist over them so they wouldn't wilt. Inside there was an even bigger variety of plants, some in pots hanging from the high ceiling and others organized on the walls.

The good looking and smelling shop called her attention, inviting her in. Walking in front of the store, she stopped to get a closer look at the display, but what truly piqued her interest was the cute, smiling guy managing the store on the inside.

Jimin was working in his shop as usual tending to the pretty flowers surrounding him. He was enveloped in the different sweet smelling scents, humming to himself and misting over the leaves of those that needed a little extra care. His friends always mentioned how he never needed to wear perfume because he already had his own fragrance. At first he would become embarrassed thinking how people might say he smelled like a girl, but with time he learned to embrace it and the smell that was exclusively his.

He heard the little bell on top of the door chime indicating somebody had entered the store. Jimin placed the mister down and with his usual beaming smile turned to greet the new client.

"Good morning," he shot in her direction.

Taking her in Jimin was met with a pretty girl he had never seen before. He had new clients all the time, but there were always some familiar faces he constantly saw walking by the store and she was not one of them.

"Morning," Thea smiled, giving him a small glance.

"If you need anything please let me know," he offered, turning back to care for his white anemones.

"Sure," Thea responded.

She looked around the store and was met with an overwhelming feeling of panic seeing all the plants around the place, she didn't know where to start and where to focus. Her knowledge almost began and ended with red roses. I guess today would not be the day she would surprise the cute boy with her knowledge of plants.

"Um- actually, I don't know much about flowers so your help would be appreciated," she laughed nervously, wringing her hands, accepting defeat.

"No problem, that's what I'm here for," he gave her a nod and a small giggle to ease her worries, "Is it for a special occasion?"

"No, I recently moved into town and my apartment is looking a little dull. I was walking around when I saw the shop and didn't think of a better way to brighten it up," It wasn't a lie exactly, but it was not the sole reason she walked in, but he didn't need to know that.

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