33. Quaratine love || J.JK || One Shot

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When the pandemic first hit, it felt like the end of the world, there was a lack of toilet paper, a person couldn't leave their house, people were dying, and many lost their jobs. Overall, the world was at a standstill with many questions up in the air.

The only things I was grateful for was that school was suspended for a few weeks while they figured out how to proceed and my boyfriend, Jungkook was not going on tour and staying home. It was very sad at first seeing how they had been preparing for months and were very excited to share the new album with the fans, but on the bright side he wouldn't be gone for months at a time.

The first few weeks were heaven Jungkook and I hadn't spent that much time together in our relationship. We were making the most of it before Big Hit filled his schedule again. Without our responsibilities we had so much fun we played video games, pigged out on junk food, messed around in the gym afterwards, and cuddled, a lot.

Weeks later the bliss began to dissipate my classes started back up again and I made myself a routine while Jungkook got restless because he didn't have as much to do as before. I can't say we got sick of each other, but when you're stuck in an apartment with the same person for so long you start to go nuts. The days Kook stayed with the boys were amazing because I had some time to myself to think clearly and do whatever I wanted. I could have my music loud and study till the wee hours in the morning without disturbing his sleep, I could go to bed without showering and he won't be here to scold me and tell me to shower, and I could order my steak medium rare without him complaining about it.

It's good for our relationship too, because eventually after being alone for a few days I'd miss him and welcome him home with open arms only for the cycle to repeat itself. That's where we are now not quite hating each other, but giving the other some space.

We were on the sofa I had my feet up on his lap trying to read a book for my English class. While Jungkook interrupted me every five minutes.

"Jade," he calls my attention.

"Hm," I kept my eyes on the book trying to focus and understand the words on the page.

"Whatcha reading?" he cutely asks.

"A book for class," I shortly respond so he'd take the hint now is not the time to talk.

"What's it about?" he asks again. I look over my book to see him with a bunny smile. It was cute, but not cute enough to distract me from this assignment that was due in two days.

"Um, I'm barely starting I'm not sure," I sigh, turning the page. I did know I couldn't bother to explain. I was only on page 50 out of 375. Someone kill me please.

"Oh, okay," he nods focusing his attention on the TV screen.

Thinking he was going to shut up I submerge myself on the book only for him to speak two minutes later, "When will you be done?"

"I don't know Kook whenever I'm done," I exasperatedly whine wanting to get this over with.

He lifted his palms up in surrender, his doe eyes wide at my reaction.

Jungkook stayed silent for a good while letting me read in peace. He turned on his video games and played for an hour talking into his headset. Alas, it couldn't last for too long. His controller had no battery left leaving him bored once more.

Feeling a poke in my leg, I ignored it and kept reading. Subsequent pokes kept coming making me move my leg from his lap I didn't dare give him attention I had to finish this.

A tug on my sweatpants made my leg drop from its propped position, startling me in the process. I dropped my book and glared at my boyfriend who only stared at me with an innocent look.

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