11. Secret relationship || P. JM || One-Shot

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Stepping out of the limousine with the help of the chauffeur you walked down the red carpet. You were a Korean solo artist and was nominated for a few awards tonight. Everywhere you looked you were attacked by the voices and flashes of the paparazzi. It was something you were used to by now, but it did not mean you enjoyed it. Wherever you went they were there not giving you any personal space and exposing your life to the world. It was a consequence to pay for the career you chose to pursue. 

The carpet was not long, but every few steps you had to stop for either an interview or to pose for pictures. It made the carpet feel never-ending. Finally, you made it to the end and your manager led you to your seat. The bad part of being a solo artist is that you didn't have bandmates to share the moment or to talk to. Still, you tried to enjoy the night to the fullest. 

The show was great. Many groups performed including BTS and watching them perform was always a pleasure. They were a talented and determined group and it showed in their performances. You managed to win two awards, so, you felt accomplished and proud of your hard work. As the show was ending, you went backstage trying to find a bathroom. When all of sudden you felt a 'psst'. Looking around you didn't see anybody thinking you imagined it you were going to keep walking. Until you heard a voice right by your ear startling you. You quickly turned around and saw your boyfriend pop his head from behind a curtain.

"You scared me!" you whispered

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"You scared me!" you whispered. 

Meanwhile, he was laughing at your scared expression.

"It's not funny," you huffed crossing your arms. 

"Come on," he then pulled you behind the curtain making sure nobody saw you. 

"What's this about? We can get caught," you worriedly pointed out.

"Don't worry, nobody will notice," Jimin reassured, taking hold of your hand, "I just wanted to congratulate you on your wins." 

"Oh, is that right? Well, thank you." You said, squeezing his hands feeling the sparks between you "I guess I should congratulate you too. After all, BTS didn't leave empty-handed either." 

He then thanked you and there was a slightly awkward moment. You tried to move, but realized it was a tight space. The only thing you could do was get closer to Jimin... Not that you minded. 

"I forgot to say," he began. "You look beautiful tonight," he said as he looked at you up and down. 

Blushing you mustered to squeak out a "thank you." 

Jimin always found it funny how easily you got shy around him. No matter how long you had been together it never went away. He loved it. 

Glancing up, he was already staring at you. He gave your lips a glimpse and started closing the distance between you two. You leaned forward wanting to feel his soft lips on yours while simultaneously wrapping your arms around his neck. When they finally clashed together, you felt the sparks ignite again, only this time they were like fireworks. The kiss was slow, passionate, and filled with the love and admiration you felt for each other. You felt Jimin pulling you closer to him never wanting to let you go. Sadly, the moment had to come to an end as both of you had to breathe. He leaned his forehead on yours staring at you with a lovesick smile that probably resembled yours. You wish you could stay there forever, but soon you heard a voice calling after you. You pulled away and looked at him, he knew what it meant. It was goodbye. 

"Bye Jimin," you softly said, letting go of his hands. Of this moment.

"Goodbye love," he responded with a sad look. 

Since your relationship was a secret you couldn't show your love to the world. Only his bandmates and both your managers knew. You could only hope the secrecy would end soon. You wanted to be able to hold his hand in public and not worry about the paparazzi seeing you. It was also the secrecy that limited your ability to go see him sometimes. It felt as if what you were doing was wrong like it was forbidden, but the conditions that allowed your relationship to exist were clear. You couldn't expose your relationship for his sake and yours. So, you had to make do with what you had glad that at least they had allowed it.

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