26. Guarded Heart Pt. 1|| K. SJ || One-Shot

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Aria Chambers confidently walked into her father's office feeling victorious. She thought how  maybe this time around she would finally have some freedom. Without knocking, she slammed the door open to the office where her father sat waiting for her. She gracefully sat on the chair, looking defiantly at Dimitri Chambers, her mother standing behind him like the good and obedient wife she was.

"You called, father?" she asked disinterestedly as she stared at her manicured hand.

"Your bodyguard quit, AGAIN, care to tell me why?" Her father stiffly questioned glaring at his daughter.

"I don't know. I didn't do anything wrong," Aria shrugged innocently.

"According to him you left him stranded many times and would not listen to him in situations of potential danger," Dimitri said, reciting her last bodyguard's words, "He couldn't work with someone so disobedient."

"If he did his job right I would listen to him," Aria sassed, "All he did was boss me around unnecessarily. He shouldn't do that, I'm the client he should listen to me!" she exclaimed exasperated.

She hated her bodyguards, but this last one more than the rest. He barely spoke and when he did it was to boss her around like a child. He thought she was a dumb spoiled princess. She might be a spoiled princess, but in no way was she dumb. Aria would not stand for someone belittling her in such a way.

"See and that's where you are wrong dear Aria," he chuckled.

Aria looked at him in confusion her confident facade dropping for a second.

"I. AM. THE. CLIENT." he yelled, startling Aria,  "If he bosses you around it's because I tell him to and YOU should obey," her father snarled.  

"I am not a child that needs to be told what to do," Aria protested raising her voice. 

"Maybe if you didn't act like one you would not be treated as such," he remarked which fueled Aria's anger. 

"I am-" she tried defending herself, but her father interrupted her.

"Don't talk back to me Aria!" he roared, "I know about the little game you're playing trying to get rid of all of the security I provide, but know this I can play too and just like a hydra when you cut off its head three more appear."

"Why do you insist on me having so much supposed security?" she asked in defeat slumping down in her chair, eyes downcast.

"I'm just trying to protect you. Is that such a bad thing?" he explained, trying to make her see reason.

"It is when I can barely breathe on my own," she whispered, knowing her father would not like that answer.

"Go to your room, tomorrow your new bodyguard will arrive," he dismissed her with a wave of his hand.

Defeated ,she stood up and left the office. Aria thought she had it this time, but clearly she didn't. That didn't mean she would stop trying though. Still motivated she began planning how to get this new bodyguard to quit. She would not go down without a fight. She would get some of her freedom back somehow.

Aria knew her father's intentions were not as pure as he made them to be. All he cared about was his precious image and Aria was part of it. Since she was a little girl she was groomed to compliment the perfect image of her father. She couldn't step not even an inch out of line without being scolded.

She was like a trophy being constantly displayed for other people to envy and want. She was shown to her father's business partners as the 'perfect' daughter; innocent, untainted, submissive leaving them yearning to include her in their own display as part of their family. If only they knew she was quite the opposite rebellious, cunning, and corrupted from their ideologies.

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