6. Mafia's Deceit || K. NJ || One-Shot

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You were walking towards your favorite coffee shop. It was the part of the day you looked forward to the most. After all, it wasn't easy being a mafia boss. Now and then you liked to seek a bit of normalcy in your life and getting coffee was the best you could think of. You loved the smell of the warm drink, the careless chatter of the people around, the old couple grinning at the younger ones, the people trying to get work done in their laptops and tablets, and the teenagers with nothing better to do. This was the place where everyone could go to be free and not have a care in the world. Most days you came here bought a coffee and stayed a few minutes to observe the people around you, the free people as you like to think. Who didn't have to worry about the things you had to like the blood, the injuries, death, or mission tactics. Yoongi, your right-hand man, always warned you about your habit since it could get you in trouble one day. Who would have known that day was closer than you thought.

As you stood up to leave, someone bumped into you causing both of your coffees to fall. Looking up, you saw one of the most handsome faces you've ever seen staring back at you with an apologetic look in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going," he said very quickly, "are you okay?"

"I'm alright," you replied while spotting the mess on the floor," I wasn't paying too much attention either, so, it's okay."

"I still feel guilty. Can I buy you another coffee?" he asked with a bashful smile.

You weren't sure about it, but there was something about him that made you agree. Maybe it was the dimple in his cheek or his approachable aura nevertheless you agreed with a nod of your head. You made sure to send a text to Yoongi telling him you were going to be late today, for the first time in many years.

After he purchased the drinks, you found themselves sitting at a table at the back of the little café.

"How silly of me, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Namjoon," he presented himself as he extended his hand.

"Hi Namjoon, I'm y/n," you responded, shaking his hand with a smile.

That was the beginning of your relationship with him. You knew where that interaction was leading to, but you decided to ignore it and deal with it later. For a change you decided to be selfish, you wanted a bit of normalcy in your life, maybe this was the way to get it. You wanted to fall in love and live in a fantasy where you could have a normal relationship with a normal guy. Little did you know this was what Yoongi warned you about all along.

One coffee turned into many, which turned into lunch dates, and those turned into dinner. It was safe to say you were dating and it truly made you the happiest you've ever been. Namjoon was an amazing boyfriend. He was smart and talented and funny in a goofy kind of way. Sure, he tended to break things, but you didn't mind that. Something that made him stand out, even more, was his talent in producing incredible music. Yoongi, on the other hand, wasn't happy about your relationship. Not that he had romantic feelings for you, but you were like a sister to him. You had grown up together and shared many happy memories, he just couldn't stand the thought about you getting heartbroken when something inevitably happened to Namjoon. Having experienced it himself, it broke his heart knowing it would happen to you sooner or later.

One day you were in your office with Yoongi eating take out after a long day of planning an attack against a rival gang when he decided to bring it up.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" he asked, studying you with a serious face.

"Um, eating?" you replied confused.

"No, what are you doing with that guy?" he said as he put down his takeout and stood in front of you.

"Oh my god, this again," you replied with a roll of your eyes. You looked at him and he was red in the face. He hated when you rolled your eyes at him. "I'm just having a bit of fun, don't worry about it, it might be over soon," you lied, and he knew you were. He knew you better than you knew yourself.

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