17. Unexpectedly Expecting || M. YG. || One-Shot

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A/N: This One-Shot is a request by @DawnMorningGlory. I really hope you enjoy it! I tried my best to add all of the little details. I gotta say I'm pretty proud of the outcome.

The paper in front of you didn't lie, yet you stared at it in disbelief. While you had your suspicions, you didn't want to accept it. It's not that it wasn't in your plans because it was, but not so soon. After all, it had only been a few months since you had married Yoongi and between him being an idol and you managing your growing business, how was it all going to work out?

You read the paper so many times, staring at the bold letters spelling 'positive'. You were pregnant. How were you going to tell Yoongi? He was an amazing husband and a great person, but the thought of telling him still made you nervous because this was not in the plans. You could only hope he would react positively, and you were sure he would, yet there was this pesky, annoying voice in your head saying he would get mad or upset.

According to what the doctor told you you were twelve weeks along. One would think you would notice you were pregnant, but you have been so busy with work it hadn't passed through your mind that your period was late until a week ago. Realizing the situation you left work and quickly went to the pharmacy, bought a pregnancy test, and took it. It came out positive, however, you had to be a hundred percent sure so you went to the doctor. The wait for the official results had been agonizing and stressful not only because of the results, but because you went through it alone without Yoongi to support you.

Weeks have passed and every time you tried to tell him the words did not want to come out. They would get stuck in your throat, your heartbeat would quicken, your palms would get sweaty, and he just looked at you expectantly waiting for you to say something. When some words managed to come out of your mouth they were not the ones intended. Deep down you know you shouldn't be too worried because he loved you and while it was sooner than thought he would receive the baby with open arms. So, why were you so damn hesitant? It might be the fact that it was such a life-changing situation and it happened very unexpectedly.

Sitting at home, you were surfing through the channels looking for something to watch, but it was soon forgotten as Yoongi walked into the room.

"Hey babe, remember to pack your bags for tomorrow," he said as he sat beside you on the couch.

"Yeah, they are almost done," you said unenthusiastically looking at him.

"What's wrong? You don't want to go camping?" he asked with a chuckle, taking your hand into his.

It had become a habit for him to take your hands and play with your wedding ring. You had asked him about it once, and he said it relaxed him and that it was a reminder he had you by his side.

"It's not that it's just I'm not really in the mood," you sighed pitifully. Maybe he will let you off the hook this once. 

"You'll have fun with the guys you'll see," he reassured, cuddling you and putting his head on your neck. 

"There's no doubt about that," you laughed, feeling his hair tickling you.

The boys were always fun to be around. Being with Yoongi for years now you have gone on many trips with them and they never failed to amuse you. From losing passports to filming funny videos to getting matching shirts to getting drunk and blacking out. There was never a boring moment. But camping while being pregnant? It did not sound good at all. As of recently one of your pregnancy symptoms has been constant urination. Like every half hour. The thought of going into the woods constantly to pee didn't motivate you to go on that camping trip.

Yoongi and you were the last ones to get to the camping site. It might have been because you were dragging it out, alas, you couldn't stop the inevitable. Getting out of the car the boys greeted you.

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