21.Call Center || P. JM || One-Shot

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A/N: This One-Shot is a request by my_untold_lie.  I am so so so sorry this took so long! I had a really bad case of writer's block, but I came through. I hope you really enjoy it, I I put my all into it. 

Call Center

As you walked down the hallway you were excitedly chatting with your closest friend, Hana. You were talking about a new TV show that came out the night before.

"What about when he kissed her?" Hana squealed loudly "I was so shocked I hadn't expected it to happen so soon."

"Yeah, but I think something bad is going to happen and it's going to put a stop to their relationship. I mean, did you see how Maria reacted to the kiss?" I said to Hana.

"Oh, you are probably right y/n, I just hope it's not too soon," she pouted.

As you kept talking a body crashed into your shoulder very roughly.

"Ow," you winced as you rubbed your shoulder.

"Watch where you're going!" A voice exclaimed in irritation.

Looking up you saw Park Jimin. He was a classmate who hated you for no apparent reason.

"I was literally standing here, you bumped into me," you cried out exasperated.

"Whatever, let's go guys," Jimin told his friends and just like that he left.

It was nothing new. It was a common occurrence for him to bother you in some way. Sometimes it's the mean comments and other times it's the pranks.

"Why does he hate you so much?" Hana asked from her place beside you.

"I have no idea. At the beginning of college, we were friends, but then he started hating me out of nowhere," you explained thinking back to when college started, "oh well" you shrugged.

"Doesn't it bother you?" She asked once again.

"It used to, yet every time I tried talking to him, he would just ignore me, so I gave up," you told her.

"That's rude," Hana muttered a frown forming on her face.

"Yeah, well, I have to go to work. See you tomorrow?" you asked as you got closer to the exit.

"Yeah, bye," Hana waved as you went your separate ways.

As you left the building you saw Jimin again. You couldn't deny he was very handsome, especially when you saw him laughing along with his friends just like he is now. It made you remember how back when you were friends you started to develop a crush on him, and it was all because of that smile and laugh. You never made a move seeing as he never gave you a sign that he liked you, so you moved on. Eventually, you started dating your first boyfriend. It was a good relationship and it lasted around a year. You broke up since you both realized you didn't have a deep feeling for each other. So, it ended amicably, but by then Jimin was not your friend anymore.

Being so deep in your thoughts you hadn't realized you were almost at your job. Going into the office you sat in your cubicle and put on your headset ready to start receiving calls.

"Hello, this is Seoul's call center. How may I help you?" you asked in a polite tone. At this point, what you said and how you said it was automatic. 

You stayed there for many hours on end receiving calls left and right trying to help as many people as possible. Towards the end of your shift, you received an interesting call.

"Hello, this is y/n from Seoul's call center, how may I help you today?"

"Hi, I'm looking for some plumbing service," the voice asked shyly.

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