Asking A Demon For A Favour

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"I. Can't. Do. This. Anymore."

Each word was followed by a short bang of Harry's head against the desk.

Sitting opposite him, Ginny scoffed. "We've barely been here for thirty minutes, Harry. Surely you can do better than this."

Harry sighed as he flipped a page in the book in front of him. "I can't! I'm bored. Wanna fuck around with people?"

Ginny paused. "Well. Yeah. Obviously."

Thus commenced the duo forgetting about the multitude of books in front of them, instead focusing on silently annoying the people around them.

Harry wasn't too sure how much time had passed. So far, their victims included:

- A fifth year Hufflepuff, who they kept torturing as they repeatedly pushed his chair away from the desk with magic. The concern on his face was laughable.

- A first year Ravenclaw, when they kept making her pot of ink move from her right to her left every minute and a half. She got so annoyed that she reached into her bag and took out a pen (must have been a muggleborn). Ginny somehow found this hilarious.

- A seventh year Gryffindor, by changing every second word of the book he was reading to 'abstinence'. He was so confused that he tapped on the shoulder of the guy next to him, who looked over and his face turned bright red.

- A Slytherin in their year, when they kept making her ponytail bounce and swish and whip around. She kept looking at them, but quickly her expression turned terrified when her gaze turned on Harry. Harry chalked it up as her thinking it was a ghost, but it was weird enough that he laughed really hard.

"Ginny I'm gonna piss my pants," Harry wheezed, hiding his face in his hands.

"Shut-shut up," Ginny struggled out, her entire body convulsing. "I can't stop laughing if you're still laughing."

Harry nudged her ribs. "I can't stop laughing if you're still laughing!"

They stayed like that for an embarrassing amount of time— just laughing without anything happening, trying to stay as quiet as possible so that they wouldn't be murdered by Madam Pince. Whenever Harry looked over at Ginny still laughing, he started laughing harder.

"Harry... Ginny... are you two... okay?"

Harry looked up to see Hermione standing in front of their desk— well, a blurry Hermione, with all the tears in his eyes.

"N-no," Harry hiccuped. "I don't think so."

Ginny just shook her head, still giggling slightly.

Hermione stared at the two, perplexed, before seeming to rule out asking them what the hell they were laughing at. Instead, she sat across from them, motioning at the books they had pushed to the side. "Last minute studying for Arithmancy?"

This caused the duo to completely stop laughing. In fact, Harry's heart completely dropped out of his ass.

"Repeat that?" Ginny asked, shockingly silent except for a hiccup after the sentence.

"... Arithmancy? You know, the quiz we have in two days?"

At once, both Harry and Ginny took a sigh if relief.

"I thought you meant tomorrow!" Harry said. "If it's in two days, I'll study later."

"And I'll study that breakfast," Ginny added.

Ginny was a year younger than Harry and Hermione, but because they start could choose their courses during third year, it just so happened the three of them were in the same class.

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