Wait, Harry Reads?

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"Italics" = exerts from 'Creature Inheritances'

The next day, Harry decided to do some research on creature inheritances.

In all honesty, he probably should have done some research before, when he had first found out about them. But 'Mione was always willing to tell him what he needed to know, so he figured he'd just trust her.

Yet Harry had to admit to himself that it was important that he know exactly what a creature inheritance was. If he was dating Tom, and he was Tom's mate, then he should probably find out what that really meant and what a creature inheritance did to a witch or wizard.

He also just wanted to make sure this wasn't just some crazy sex thing.

He wouldn't be opposed, he just wanted to know.

He approached Hermione after Defence Against the Dark Arts, standing silently as she packed away her books, not necessarily sure how to start the conversation.

"Hey, Harry," she said, looking at him with suspicion in her eyes. "Whatcha doing just standing there with a vacant look in your eyes? Do that any more and you'll look like Cormac McLaggen."

Harry snorted— it was common knowledge that their fellow Gryffindor was a brute who was very close to failing school. "I was wondering if I could borrow that book on creature inheritances?"

Honestly, he wasn't sure whether or not Hermione would be willing to lend the book to him. He had never asked to borrow one of her books before, but he knew that she was intensely possessive of them.

Instead of looking miffed, her eyes brightened. "Holy Merlin, you want to read?" She exclaimed, before taking his wrist and charging out of the classroom. "Come on, before you change your mind!"

Harry stumbled after her, shocked at her enthusiasm. "Uh... why do you look so happy?"

Hermione was practically skipping down the halls. "I never thought you would ever ask me for a book! You know, when we first met I thought you and Ron were illiterate, but I'm so glad you finally decided to read something! This is a special day. Special day!"

She almost shrieked the last part, causing a few fourth years to look their way in confusion before continuing to walk by them.

At this point, they were moving so fast that Harry assumed they had started to leave dust trails behind them. But, in record time, they made it to the Gryffindor common room in one piece.

"Wait here, I'll get the book," Hermione said, not even panting, before rushing up the stairs.

Harry plopped down on the couch, letting his head rest against the back of the chair. His legs burned.

In less than a minute, Hermione came rushing down with the large book in her hands. She plopped it down on the table next to Harry, blowing some hair out of her face as she righted herself.

"It's a bit of light reading, but I'm sure it will take you a while."

"Light reading?" Harry guffawed, his eyes bouncing between the large book and his friend. "There has to be more than one thousand pages! 'Mione, I hope you know you may literally never get this book back."

Hermione shrugged with a small smile. "I finished that book over a month ago, I've just been hoping you'd ask me to read it when you found out you're Tom's mate."

Harry nodded in understanding before the second part of her sentence took root in his head. "Hang on. You knew and never talked to me about it?"

"Ron knew too," she said, sitting down next to him on the couch and facing sideways, so they were face to face. "I'm pretty sure any other witch of wizard would know too, if they were raised with the customs or read a book."

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