The Letter

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Harry and Tom were eating lunch together at the Gryffindor table when an owl flew by and delivered a handwritten letter to Harry.

Harry put down his fork, opening the letter as he vaguely heard Ron complain about Divination homework.

"What's something I could put down that would mean my imminent demise..." Ron trailed off, tapping the end of his quill against his lip. "Oh, I got it! Chased... by... tortilla... chip..."

The Gryffindor glanced up just as Hermione scoffed. "I have absolutely no idea how you haven't given up that course yet. It's nothing but bull!"

"Is that just because you haven't gotten in touch with your inner eye?" Harry asked in mock sadness. "Poor, blind, girl."

Personally, Harry thought that his impression of Professor Trelawney was deadly, but Hermione seemed to disagree, seeing as she took a bite of her sandwich and glared at Harry with eyes that told him he should drop the subject.

He was averting his eyes when Tom started lowly growling next to him. "What could he possibly need to talk to you about?"

Harry looked over at Tom to see who he was referring to, and saw that his boyfriend's attention was trained attentively on the letter he had received.

Dear Harry,

I think it's perhaps time that you and I had a chat after dinner. It would be best if you came alone, but if Tom feels as though he should be with you, and you feel comfortable with that, then he is more than welcome to join us.

P.S. My current favourite muggle candy is Skittles.

It wasn't signed by anyone, but Harry was certain of who it was. And, quite obviously, so did Tom.

"Of course I'm coming with you," Tom practically growled in Harry's ear. "How could I not? What does he need to talk to you about?"

Harry shrugged, pocketing the letter. "I haven't the slightest. If I had to guess, maybe it's to talk to me about being a creature's mate? Or maybe to commend me on my bravado."

He was expecting Tom to make a remark about what Harry had just said, but instead Tom glared at the teachers' table like he wanted to set it up in flames.

"I never told him you knew about that," he muttered. "And I already explained that to you. I'm your mate, I'm more than capable of taking care of you. That old man doesn't have anything to do with this. I'm good enough without him intervening or explaining anything."

Ah. Well, that explained why Tom was so angry.

Tom and Dumbledore were never very close, so Harry had assumed it was just that old rivalry causing the anger. But this... Harry was sure that if he were in Tom's shoes, he'd probably feel the same way. Of course he felt like Dumbledore thought he couldn't efficiently enough.

Harry cupped Tom's cheek in his hand, lightly prying his boyfriend's focus from the headmaster to him. With soft eyes, he leaned in and kissed the corner of Tom's mouth.

"Well, I guess we'll figure it out together, won't we?" Harry whispered. " 'Cause I know you want to go."

Tom hesitated. "If you don't feel comfortable with—"

"You can come, don't pretend you wouldn't've eavesdropped anyways."

"Oh, thank Merlin," Tom sighed, relieved.

It was after supper, and the couple walked up to the Headmaster's office together.

Harry watched, discretely, as Tom's shoulders increasingly got stiffer as they approached the office.

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