Potter Likes Dick? No One Saw That Cuming

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It was a few days later when Harry decided that he wanted to come out to everyone.

Before, he didn't feel the need to tell everyone he was gay because he didn't care enough, and no one actually liked him anyways. The only people he would have come out to were Ron and Hermione because they were so close.

But because of Amy the other day, Harry decided to come out. He didn't feel uncomfortable doing it, and he didn't feel forced, he just wanted to do it so that nothing like that happened again, because that was awkward.

Harry was comfortable enough in his sexuality to know that he didn't need to share it with everyone, but he wanted to.

It started out with Ron and Hermione.

All in all, he was more worried about Ron and Hermione than everyone else in Hogwarts— except, perhaps, Tom.

He didn't see Hermione as being judgemental of his sexuality. After all, she was probably the one witch Harry assumed would never judge anyone— mainly based on S.P.E.W, but also because of her being a muggleborn being introduced into the Wizarding community. It really teaches you not to judge a book by its cover, Harry knew that.

Ron... well, Ron was Harry's closest friend by a long shot. The only problem was that Ron was a member of a pureblood family, and even though they weren't necessarily a mainstream pureblood family, there may still be biases.

Still, Harry was sure they could work it out. They always could.

Harry decided to tell them in the common room. He would have chosen a more private place, but he didn't care if other people heard because he was planning on publicly coming out later that day. If people wanted to gossip, that's fine.

Harry was waiting on the couch, Hermione next to him, her nose stuck in a History of Hogwarts book. He was waiting for Ron to arrive. Sure enough, Ron soon arrived with scrolls in his arms, obviously ready to cram some last minute essays in.

"Ron, 'Mione, can I talk to you guys for a second?" Harry asked.

Hermione nodded her head, but Ron looked sheepish. "Sure, mate, but could we do this at a table? I left a Potions essay for today and I didn't realize he wanted thirteen inches."

Harry agreed, and the trio moved over to one of the mahogany tables in the middle of the common room. He watched as Hermione put her books away while Ron took his own books out— that was wild.

"I was planning on telling the whole school later today, but I figured you guys should be the first to know that I'm gay."

Hermione smiled and Ron just dipped his quill in ink.

"Thank you for telling us," Hermione said, reaching over and taking hold of Harry's hand. "I know how hard that can be."

"Yeah, mate," Ron agreed. "I mean, we already knew— ow!" He glared at Hermione, who had obviously elbowed him. "What was that for?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "That's not exactly supportive, Ronald," she said. "But yes, Harry, we figured."

Harry furrowed his brows. How?

He voiced his concerns.

"You have a crazy obsession with Riddle, mate. If it isn't a crush, then I don't know what it is." Ron looked up from his essay, that just had the word 'the' written down. "You do have a crush on Riddle, right?"

Harry nodded, shocked. Ron knew he had a crush on Riddle? If Ron knew, Riddle had to know. Everyone had to know.

He loved Ron, really, but the redhead was the most oblivious wizard Harry had ever met. That meant Harry must have been very obvious with his crush.

"Well, you don't need to worry about me and Ron, then," Hermione said happily, before her expression turned serious. "You're not just doing this because of what happened the other day, right?"

He shrugged. "Eh. I mean, I don't want it to happen again, but it kinda confirmed to me that I wouldn't mind everyone knowing that I was gay."

Hermione nodded. "Good. Now, onto this crush on Riddle..." she smiled a malicious smile. "Gonna ask him out on a date?"

" 'Mione!" Harry's face reddened. "I don't even know if he's gay, let alone whether he likes me back! Besides, he has a mate, remember? I can't just ask a mated man on a date! There has to be a rule against that or something."

Ron snorted.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

Ron was about to say something when Hermione intervened. "We must'n't!" She hissed to him. "It's taboo."

"What's taboo?" Harry asked.

They looked at him, but he knew they wouldn't answer. And, with Ron's stubbornness and Hermione's knack of following rules, Harry knew they wouldn't answer his question.

Something still wasn't making sense, though. " 'Mione, if you knew I was gay, why did you tell me to talk to Amy because she was cute?"

Hermione shrugged. "You could have been bi, not like I knew. And I mean, she is cute."

Later that day, Harry was hyping himself up to tell Hogwarts his sexuality.

He hadn't told Ron or Hermione about how he was going to publicly come out, but he was sure it would be a surprise to everyone. Harry wasn't even sure why he was doing it this way.

At first, he had debated handwritten letters. But then he decided that not only was that really extra, who would read a letter talking about someone else's sexuality? Also, that's a lot of copies of letters.

He also debated printing off posters and sticking them all around Hogwarts. But that meant getting a catchy slogan, most likely getting a photoshoot of himself, and doing graphic design— way too much work.

So, this was the next best thing was what he was about to do. He figured that if people cared, they'd listen, and if they didn't care, they'd tune him out. Win-win.

Harry decided dinner would be the best time, seeing as some people didn't show up to breakfast or lunch, but everyone was always there for dinner. Even though the gossip would eventually hit the ones who missed it, Harry figured they'd rather be in attendance.

He got up out of his seat once he was done his meal, prompting strange looks from his friends.

"Where're you going?" Ron asked, while Hermione's eyes widened in realization.

"Harry, you can't possibly—"

But Harry didn't listen.

He power-walked to the front of the Great Hall, to where Dumbledore usually made his announcements to the student body. Almost immediately, everyone fell silent.

"Hey, I'm Harry Potter, and I know you guys probably don't care at all, but this is easier than gossip spreading and having the misinformation, so I decided to tell you all at once— I'm gay. That's it, now back to your regularly scheduled meal."

He walked away from the podium, back to his seat, and the conversation slowly started again.

"Harry Potter, you are absolutely insane," Hermione hissed.

"That was bloody hilarious," Ron cackled. "Did you see the look on Riddle's face? He looked like he was about to jump you!"

Looking around so fast Harry was sure he'd get whiplash, he checked the Slytherin table for Tom, who was looking straight at him. Harry waved and smiled, but Tom only bit his lip and let his gaze run over Harry's body.



Harry felt hot.

"You looked for him, right?" Ron asked. "What was he doing? Blushing like a virgin?"

"He was... checking me out," Harry gasped. "Do I have a chance with him?"

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