Harry's Bored

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It's been a few days since Harry's seen Tom, and he felt like he was about to die of boredom. Merlin, everyone was so boring, how had he not noticed before?

If someone had told Harry last year that he'd be bored to death if he didn't see Tom for about a week's time, Harry would laugh in their face. But, here he was, sulking with Hermione.

"I'm so bored," Harry whined, his head flopped on the ground as he laid upside down on the common room's couch, Hermione sitting upright next to him, her nose in a book. "I wasn't made for boring! I was made for boom!"

"Boom?" Hermione questioned, amusedly.


Somewhere in the common room, Seamus made a loud noise of agreement.

She snorted, slamming her book shut to look down near her feet where her friend's face lied. "Is that because you haven't been being harassed for the last week?"

Harry nodded as much as he could. "Where the fuck is Tom? All I've been doing is sleeping, eating, and breathing."

"And annoying me," Hermione deadpanned. "Since when did you start calling Riddle 'Tom'?"

Harry blanched. Shit.

"Guess it just slipped out," Harry quickly said, trying to cover up his mistake. "I'm not paying attention to things anymore because I'm bored. Let's do something, 'Mione."

In response, Hermione smiled. "You're in luck, then. I finished this book so I need to go up and exchange it for another in the library. Wanna come?"

Immediately, Harry agreed, standing up and feeling lightheaded due to the sudden change in position.

"Hey, Ron, me and 'Mione are going to the library!" Harry shouted to the other side of the common room, where Ron and Dean were playing wizard's chess.

Ron just gave the duo a thumbs up before screaming as one of his bishops got slashed.

With that, Harry and Hermione left the Gryffindor common room, Harry basically bouncing and skipping.

Finally, he was doing something. Maybe he'd see Tom in the hall. Or in an empty classroom. Or the library. And they could get into a fight, an argument, anything

Harry shook his head. Why was he so adamant on getting Tom's attention? He had Hermione right now. Who cared about an unrequited crush?

Harry. Harry cared about his unrequited crush. Fuck.

He needed a distraction.

"What would happen if we were hit by an asteroid?" Harry asked.

Hermione looked at him like he was crazy. "Depending on the size, we could all be killed. Are you okay?"

Harry snorted. "No. But it'd be exciting, wouldn't it?"

"You need a hobby."

"I do have a hobby! But my hobby is currently no where to be found!"

"... if I hear you complain one more time about not being harassed, I'm leaving you here."

Harry gasped. "You would never. You love me too much."

"Test me."

By that time, they had reached the library, and so they had to quiet down when they walked in. Harry followed Hermione to the shelf her book had come from, watching as a sheet of paper magically filled out information to say that the book had been returned.

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