Oh No... Tom, Why is There Blood on Your Shirt?

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T/W: murder of a minor character

Harry was feeling very uncomfortable as he sat in the Charms classroom. There was a Hufflepuff on the other side of the room, near the back, who wouldn't stop staring at him.

His back was stiff and his eyes were staring at the theory in front of him, trying to ignore the weight of her gaze. Did she not know how awkward it was?

Harry wondered if he had something on his face.

"I really don't feel comfortable right now," Harry muttered to Hermione, who was sitting to his right and had her nose in theory.

Hermione looked at him, questioningly. "What?" She questioned. "What's going on?"

Harry scratched the back of his neck, turning his head to seem nonchalant. "The girl in Hufflepuff who won't stop staring at me. She's making me uncomfortable."

Barely lifting her head, Hermione shifted her gaze up, obviously hiding the fact that she was looking. She must have found the Hufflepuff, because she nodded.

"By the looks of it, she's going to talk to you after class," Hermione warned. "Just a heads up."

"What?" Harry shrieked, catching more eyes. He didn't care at that point. "But I don't want her to!"

"So, when she talks to you, tell her to bugger off," Hermione said. She looked at him out of the corner of her eyes. "Maybe you should try talking to her? She's cute."

And yeah, Harry guessed she was attractive. But seeing as Harry swung the other way, it was never going to happen. Of course, Harry wished he could tell Hermione that, but no one knew he was gay.

"Um..." Harry bit his lip. "Maybe. Sure. Okay."

It definitely wouldn't happen.

Soon, class was over, and Harry dreaded leaving the class and potentially being cornered by the Hufflepuff. He assumed she'd be fine with rejection, but... what if she asked why? Was he ready to come out?

He lingered behind with Hermione as she gathered her books, even though he was ready to leave. Maybe if the Hufflepuff saw he wasn't alone, he wouldn't get confronted..?

It was a long shot.

Hermione seemed to notice his presence. "Harry, you're a Gryffindor, for Merlin's sake. She's probably gone by now, anyways."

"But 'Mione, I really don't want to hurt her feelings!" Harry whined.

She looked at him as she picked up her quill. "Would you rather deal with this now, or stress about it for Merlin knows how long until you inevitably have to deal with it?"

He looked at her with tired eyes. "Stop being so realistic! I need support! Support being you telling me you'll hide me!"

Hermione snorted. "You have my support, but you also get my advice," she said. She fit the last of her work in a bag before patting his shoulder. "C'mon, lover boy, let's go break her heart."

"That's not reassuring, you know," Harry sighed, but still followed her out of the classroom.

Sure enough, the Hufflepuff was lingering outside the door, bag slung across her shoulders and cheeks a rosy red.


"Hey, Harry, can I talk to you for a second?"

Harry looked at Hermione as a way out, but she just smiled. "Alright, see you later, Harry," and then, she left.

The traitor.

Instead of looking like a complete asshole, Harry looked at the girl and smiled. "Hi. What's your name?"

"Amy," she said, before her face turned red. "And I just realized I said your name without asking for it. I'm sorry, that's weird—"

"No, it's fine," Harry laughed, trying to get rid of his tension. She didn't seem too bad. "I get called out a lot in class, I get it."

Amy let out a chuckle, before her eyes strayed to the ground. "I know we only just met, but I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me sometime?"

Harry's mouth went dry. Merlin, why did this have to happen?

"Honestly, I'm not looking for a relationship right now," a lie, but necessary. "But I'd love to be your friend, if you're okay with that?"

The Hufflepuff seemed slightly put down, but she nodded and smiled anyways. "That would be great! Um, I'm gonna go now, but see you later?"

He nodded and they said goodbye, and Harry could finally breathe again. That wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be!

Unfortunately, he didn't notice the pair of red eyes staring at them from the shadows.

Later that night, after curfew, Tom was emerging from the Chamber of Secrets, blood still splattered on his clothes.

He wasn't necessarily proud of murdering the Hufflepuff, but she had threatened his bond with his mate. Legally, he was well within his rights to kill her.

As he was walking back to his private room, he heard footsteps, but far too late for him to hide.

"Merlin, Tom, don't tell me you..."

Tom turned around and saw the Headmaster casting a lumos in the dark hallway.

When he saw the blood splattered on Tom's front, Dumbledore cleared his throat. "Well, it seems like it's time for a cup of tea, don't you think?"

Tom was sitting on the seat across from Dumbledore, two cups of tea between them.

"Would you care to explain why you're covered in blood?" Dumbledore started. "That mustn't be a surprise question."

"She threatened my bond with my mate," Tom sneered, glaring at nothing in particular. "My demon took over. She had no right to ask Harry out on a date."

Dumbledore leaned back in his seat, and sighed. "I know it's legal—"

"I had a right to end her life."

"I know," Dumbledore assured, "but you have to understand that I can't have you killing everyone who talks to Harry."

Tom snorted. "I won't kill everyone who talks to him. Weasley and Granger are still alive, aren't they?"

"So close to the point, but so far," the professor sighed. "I know it's legal for you to... get rid of threats, but as the Headmaster I can't have people getting killed. I'll have to talk to her parents," he sighed, and ran a hand through his beard.

"As long as no one asks Harry out again, I'll be passive," Tom assured. "I can't control the demon when there was such a presence of a threat."

Dumbledore hummed. "I know. That's why I urge you to ask Harry out to Hogsmeade soon. The more you stay away from him, the more you'll see threats."

Tom looked at him, unsure. Technically, it was taboo to talk so openly about a creature's mate if you were not one of the mates. It was always slightly strange to be talking about this with the Headmaster.

Merlin, even if people knew two people were mates, they couldn't tell the mates because it was considered the highest form of taboo.

"Perhaps," Tom said. "But Harry said he didn't want to be in a relationship, earlier."

It was true, and it was one of the things that had hurt Tom the most. When the Hufflepuff had asked Harry out on a date, he had said he didn't want to be in a relationship.

It stressed Tom out. Would he ever be ready for a relationship?

Tom would never have been voted most likely to be in a long-term relationship before he got his inheritance, but due to the demon in him, he found a new meaning to love. He needed Harry, no matter how possessive or needy it sounded.

"I think you know Harry only said that to let young Amy down lightly." Dumbledore checked a nearby clock. "Well, it's late, and you have classes tomorrow morning. You should go back to your room."

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