A Date With The Mate

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"Okay, hear me out—"


Harry sighed and glared at Ginny. "Why are you like this?"

Ginny just snorted and leaned back in her chair. They were in the common room, the day of Tom and Harry's date. "What do you want?" She asked.

"I need you to tell me what to wear on a date tonight."

The younger Gryffindor stared at him. "Whoa, wait, hang on— a date? Potter got a date?" She nearly shrieked the last part. It got a few stares.

"Shh!" Harry freaked, eyes wide. "I don't know if he wants people to know yet, and I respect his decision."

Her eyes were still full of mischief, but she relented. "Fine," she said. Harry knew she figured she'd get it out of him sooner or later. "But why ask me?"

"What, I can't just ask you for help because we're friends?"

Ginny rolled her eyes fondly. "No. What happened to my brother?"

"You think Ron has a fashion sense?" Harry laughed. "Remember his dress robes from fourth year?"

"Do I remember them?" Ginny asked. "I have them framed. Oh, the best moment of my short, young, vibrant life."

"See? So will you help me?"

"Sure," she shrugged. She turned her head. "Hey! Lavender!"

Across the room came another Gryffindor girl, holding a divination textbook. "Hey, Ginny, wassup?"

"Ginny!" Harry hissed. What was she doing?

"Shut up, she's good," Ginny said. "Anyways, Lavender, take a seat. We're going to help Harry come up with something to wear for his date."

Lavender's eyes lit up. "Seriously?" She gasped. Quickly, she sat down on the chair next to Ginny, slamming the textbook on the table. "When? Where? Who?"

"Uh, tonight, Hogsmeade, and a Slytherin."

Both girls gasped. "Riddle?" They said at the same time.

Harry was shocked. How did they figure that out? That was one hint. Maybe Lavender was better at divination than Harry previously thought.

"Please, what other Slytherin do you talk to on a regular basis?" Ginny asked rhetorically.

Lavender nodded. "You two have such great chemistry together! I can already see you two will be such a power couple," she smiled. "Alright, I'm in. Fashion advice?"

Harry only nodded.

Lavender considered him for a moment. "Stand up."

"In the middle of the common room?" He asked.

Ginny raised a brow. "I'm sorry, the presentation you put on for Hogwarts a few days ago kind of put me under the impression you were fine with standing up in front of crowds."

He rolled his eyes, but his cheeks got pinker when he was reminded of what had happened. "Har, har," he said, but stood up anyways.

The girls took a moment to examine his body and face, and Harry couldn't help but feel like he now knew what an animal stuck in a zoo felt like. What was the point in this? Harry felt like Ginny was just letting Lavender do this because it made Harry feel uncomfortable.

"You should wear something dark red," Lavender said, "but don't you dare wear something was the Gryffindor emblem on it."

Harry frowned. "That's broad," he said. He didn't mention the Gryffindor emblem, because he knew where Lavender was coming from— the Gryffindor-Slytherin rivalry was obviously the reason why.

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