Look! Wings!

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Harry woke up on his birthday, not really remembering what had happened those past few days.

Tom filled him in on the big changes— they had moved in to Sirius' house at Grimmauld Place so that they didn't have to stay at The Leakey Cauldron, and Tom was now, apparently, best friends with Harry's godparents.

He had vague memories of being in pain, Tom holding him, of his godfathers, and a house elf with whiskers coming out of his ears, but they were only snippets.

In fact, he was shocked that he woke up on his birthday feeling completely fine. He felt better than fine— he felt perfect. Tom told him that sometimes (it was rare, but Harry was a rarity) wizards could feel better right before their inheritance.

Obviously, that hadn't happened to Tom.

Even though today was his birthday, it didn't feel like it. Harry loved his uncles' gifts (Sirius got him a jacket charmed to ward off hexes, and Remus got him a new book on Quidditch), but the imminence of his inheritance really ruined the mood.

He was sitting on his bed, basically vibrating with energy. Tom was sitting at his left, absorbed in his book.

"Wanna go for a walk?"

Tom glanced up at Harry from where he rested against the headrest on Harry's bed. "A walk?" He repeated.

Harry nodded. "I haven't had fresh air in a while. C'mon! Get up your lazy arse."

The book was placed on the nightstand before Tom turned fully towards Harry. "How about you rest up before tonight, okay? It's going to take a lot of energy out of you," he said, before kissing the tip of Harry's nose.

The kiss to his nose caused Harry to blush and pout, and Harry took great pleasure in seeing Tom's eyes flicker down to his lips. "But it's only one o'clock! My birth time isn't until five. I'm bored! I'll be bored for the next eternity!"

Tom bit his lip and— fuck, all of a sudden Harry felt hot. "Well, I can think of something we could do in the meantime."


Harry smiled in response, his eyes dipping down to Tom's lips. Because of the way Harry had been feeling these past few days, they hadn't had much time to spend time close together. They started to lean in, and—

The door opened. Harry whipped around, temporarily forgetting he was at his godfather's place and was about to yell at whoever the fuck opened the door, but it was Remus.

"Door needs to stay open three inches," he muttered. He seemed embarrassed to have walked into the room when his godson and his boyfriend were about to kiss, because his cheeks were a bright red. "Just... yeah, door stays open, love you."

With that, he rushed off, and all Harry could hear was Sirius' cackling.

Well, that moment was ruined. Harry sighed and fell back against the bed, slightly annoyed. He turned to look at Tom to see his reaction, but he was just staring at the opened door.

"Do you... do you think they hate me now?"

Harry frowned. "What? They love you. When Uncle Remus said 'love you' just then, I'm pretty sure he was talking to you, not me," he said, slightly joking.

"But I... they barely know me, and I—" he shivered. "They must think I'm—"

"Tom, they'd be hypocrites," Harry said. He grabbed Tom's hand and gave it a squeeze. "I'm sure Uncle Remus is just as mortified by this situation as you are. They love you already, and they've only known you for a few days," he emphasized.

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