Yikes, Potions Class

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It was the first day back to class after winter break, and of course Harry had first period potions with the Slytherins.

Today wasn't going to be a good day.

He walked in with Ron, and the only table left for them was next to a Slytherin table. Ron sat down on the outside first, so Harry begrudgingly sat down next to the Slytherins.

As Harry waited for Snape to billow through the doors with flowing capes and a bad attitude, he let his eyes drift over the table diagonal to Harry's right, where Tom was sitting.

Propping his hand on his chin, Harry wondered what creature Tom was, or if he even was one. For all Harry knew, he just had a certain curiosity for creature inheritances.

But, Harry had a gut feeling that Tom was a creature. He wasn't sure why, though. Intuition?

What creatures could Tom even be? Harry didn't know what creatures people could even turn into— he forgot to ask Hermione the other day. Harry thought that Tom could probably be a snake, for obvious reasons, or maybe even a fox.

Still, he wasn't sure what Hermione had meant by creature. Did she mean magical creatures?

Oh, yeah, that's probably what it meant.

In that case, Harry placed all his bets on vampire. Tom gave him vampire vibes.

He was so caught up in his head that he didn't noticed that Tom had turned around to look at him, obviously having felt Harry's stare on the back of his head.

Surprisingly, Tom sent him a half smile, waving slightly.

Shocked, Harry sent a wave back too, and Tom turned back around.

What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck?

Harry felt his cheeks heat up and knees go weak. Why did Tom smile? Tom had never smiled. Or did anything but scowl at Harry, honestly.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Ron asked from next to him, staring at Tom with an incredulous expression. "Did Riddle just smile at you?"

Harry didn't necessarily know what to say. Did he?

"I think he just scowled strangely," Harry answered, shaking his head. "That was weird, huh?"

Interrupting their conversation, Snape walked in, his robes billowing behind him like they always do.

Harry didn't necessarily listen— he never did, and Snape gave up asking him questions in fourth year since the everlasting joke that Harry couldn't pay attention for more than five minutes started to grow old. He just payed attention to when Ron flipped the page, but other than that, his focus was on Tom.

Definitely a vampire. Granted, Harry didn't know many magical creatures. Did werewolves count? Uncle Moony was a werewolf, but Harry was pretty sure you could only be a werewolf if you're bitten. He assumed. He thought. He... didn't know.

"Mate? Mate, you still there?"

Ron's hand was waving in front of Harry's vision. He blinked a few times before looking over at the redhead. "Yes?"

"We're brewing Amortentia. It should take us until the end of the year," Ron informed. "It's our final project."

Harry just hummed. "Well, there's no point in me even starting today, is there? Someone will throw something in when I'm not looking."

That someone was Malfoy, who was sitting at the closest Slytherin table to Ron and Harry, on the other side of Blaise Zabini. Malfoy must have overheard, because he sent the Gryffindors a middle finger.

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