A Meeting at Two in the Morning

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A/N: im pretty sure 80% of this entire chapter is smut :)
also the smut is pretty drawn out and awkward 'cause it's their first time doing anything like that and it's not realistic to just be sex gods during the first time
so if there's some weird things they do that make literally no sense... it's their first time doing anything, of course there's gonna be some imperfections

also!!!! underage sexual acts

"So... what do you think?" Harry asked.

"Harry, I can't see anything."

"Well, duh. But it still works, right?"

"Considering that I can't see you... yes."

Harry huffed and took off his invisibility cloak, throwing it on Tom's couch. When he turned back around, Tom had an eyebrow raised.

"What?" Harry asked. "We know it's a fake. Why do I need to treat it carefully?"

"It's still a rare invisibility cloak, my love," Tom said, "not really a fake. And you would know it still worked if you looked down at your body."

Harry stilled. "True. But... maybe I just needed an excuse to see you. I wanted to see you before summer break."

"There's still—"

"Like, a week and a half?" Harry cut off, scoffing. He crossed the room to stand directly in front of Tom. "That's not much compared to the two months away from each other. I... I'm gonna miss you."

That seemed to draw Tom out of the confusion about why Harry had come over asking about his invisibility cloak. His eyes softened and he opened his arms.

"Darling, come here," Tom said, voice softer than it had ever been before. Letting out a sigh of relief, Harry practically flung himself into Tom's arms, letting him hunch over his body possessively.

"I've been trying hard not to think about it," Tom said. To Harry, it sounded as though he was admitting it himself. "I feel as though I need to keep you next to me."

Harry hummed and tucked his head into Tom's neck, pressing a kiss to his Adam's apple. He reached behind him and took one of Tom's hands, bringing it to the side so he could interlace their fingers.

Stroking his thumb, Tom brought their hands up to press a kiss to Harry's knuckles. The touch was soft enough that Harry would have thought it didn't even happen if Tom wasn't giving him such a loving look.

"My uncles are coming in for my birthday," Harry said, changing the subject to stop him from getting sadder. "Did I tell you?"

"No," Tom answered. "That's nice. Sirius and Remus, right?"

Harry nodded, sure his hair was tickling Tom's nose. "I sent them that letter I said I would write to them after the whole Gringott's incident. They offered to come in for a few weeks, I guess they could tell I was stressed."

Even though Harry couldn't see Tom's face, he was sure he was frowning— the hand around his waist got tighter, and Tom's shoulders stiffened.

"You didn't—"

"Tell them about what happened?" Harry cut off, almost scoffing. "Of course not. Not on the letter, anyways. I just said I needed to talk to them in person. I'm sure they would have come in earlier, but seeing as it's my birthday soon, Remus must have talked Sirius into making it a birthday present."

Tom's shoulders loosened. "Will you be staying with them while they're there?"

Harry almost started bouncing on his toes. The answer was yes— he was. It had been forever since he had stayed with his uncles. It was just as exciting now as it had been when he was five. Any day away from the Dursley's was a gift that was worth everything to him.

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