If You Wanna Be My Lover

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From the safety of the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, Harry let his eyes wander over to the sole figure sitting at the Slytherin table, who was eating a buttered roll of bread.

Tom's hair was out of place, something Harry definitely hadn't seen in the years they had known each other. With Harry's eyesight, clear through his glasses, he could even spot tiny circles under his eyes.

Was he not sleeping well? It was winter break, he could have stayed in bed and had a house elf bring up food— something many people did during the breaks. Harry worried about him more than he would admit out loud.

Through shy glances, Harry watched as someone walked behind Tom and he flinched, looking up to see who had approached him and squinted when his eyes reacted to the bright candles floating near the ceiling.

"Would you mind leaving me some personal space?" Tom grunted at the Ravenclaw. "Some people like not being rubbed up against like a bloody cat, you know."

Merlin, Harry thought. Her robe had barely scraped against his back. Was he really that sleep deprived that he was so irritable?

Is he okay? Does he need medical help? Harry was genuinely worried about the Slytherin.

"Harry?" Ron asked from in front of him, waving his hand in front of Harry's face, catching his attention. "You alright there, mate? You look like you saw a ghost."

Harry blinked once before faking a smile. "Yeah, just saw a Treacle Tart and got all excited, you know what it's like."

Hermione scoffed into her book, and Harry took it as a sign that his lie was believed.

Apparently it wasn't.

"You sure?" Ron questioned, before quickly turning his upper body around to look in the direction Harry had been staring off to. "Because it looks like you were looking at our favourite Slytherin."

"Ron!" Harry hissed as Ron stared unabashedly at Tom. "Would you turn back around? You're making it look so obvious—"

Ron snorted, interrupting Harry's sentence. "You think that this is obvious? Watch this."

He swung his legs over the bench and sat with his back against the table, openly looking at Tom. "So, what were you looking at him for? Thinking of hexing him? Because I'm sure 'Mione would love that."

"I'm not listening to you, Ronald," Hermione deadpanned, eyes not leaving the book in her hands. "But if it has anything to do with hexing Riddle, I'll keep my mouth shut, just do it quickly."

Ron snickered, but Harry felt dread and mortification rising in his stomach. If Ron didn't turn around soon, Tom would definitely see him and know something was wrong.

Of course, with Harry's luck, Tom seemed to sense something happening where the three Gryffindors were sitting. He looked up and glared at the three teenagers, flipping them the finger, which Ron quickly returned.

Harry hoped no one could see the blush on his face and the heat that seemed to be flowing from his ears in embarrassment.

"What a prick," Ron grunted as he swung his legs backs around the bench to sit normally at the table— finally. "Anyways. What are we planning on doing tonight?"

It was New Years Eve, and the trio had decided that they'd have a Gryffindor party that night to celebrate. It would only be them and Ginny— who had stayed because she liked Ron and she didn't want to deal with Percy at the Burrow, which is one of the reasons Ron stayed— but Harry was still excited.

It was the first time both his friends had stayed for winter break. Usually Ron would stay, or Harry would go with Ron to the Burrow, but Harry convinced him to stay at Hogwarts for the food. Hermione almost never stays, but this year her parents wanted to travel, and she told them to go without her, and her staying was another reason why Ron stayed.

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