You Can't Handle The Truth

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A/N: Tom doesn't know his family history that well, which explains the ending. Also it's problematic because it's Tom and he doesn't know any better at this point!!! Not because he knows what happened between Tom Senior and Merope and doesn't care!!!

Because he doesn't know basically anything about what lead to him being in the orphanage, this is quite different than what actually happened in the books, because I think by sixth year in the books he knew almost everything.

*He knows he's Slytherin's heir, and that's all.*

It was a beautiful spring morning on a Sunday, and Harry decided to drag Tom to the lake to hang out.

Well, he didn't necessarily drag Tom. But, the Slytherin was over-working himself in Ancient Runes, so Harry decided that it was time for him to take a break.

It had started innocently, where the two boys were skipping rocks and giggling.

Now, Harry was pressed up against a tree, making out with his boyfriend.

Harry enjoyed this significantly better than skipping rocks.

"Hmm," Harry hummed, running his fingers through Tom's usually perfectly coifed hair. Tom's hands were underneath Harry's cloak, and sneaking up underneath his shirt.

When Harry pulled away to breathe, he smiled at Tom's state. Red lips, closed eyes, ruined hair and an askew collar. Debauched.

"You look good like this," Harry teased.

Tom opened his eyes, slowly. His eyes were slightly dilated, and they started to trail Harry up and down. Harry blushed— if Tom looked that ruined, he couldn't imagine how he himself looked.

"And you look beautiful all the time, but I may just lose all impulse control right now," he said, almost a hint of a growl in his voice.

The kiss started again, this time a little sloppier.

One of Tom's hands left from its spot underneath Harry's shirt, and started to trail down his back.

They separated again, this time because Tom pulled away. "Is it okay if I, uh..."

He trailed off, but Harry got what he was saying. Mainly because of Tom's stray pinky stroking where he was obviously asking permission to touch. Not very subtle.

"Yeah," Harry gasped. "Yeah, sure, yeah— kiss me again?"

Tom immediately complied while also slipping his hand farther down to cup Harry's ass.

Harry hummed. This was a perfect date.

Until they heard footsteps crinkling the grass from behind the tree. At the same time, the two stopped kissing, and gave each other a knowing look.

Before Harry could move, Tom had pushed the other behind him, an arm wrapped around Harry to keep him there, and his wand out, pointing at where the noise came from.

"Hey!" Harry whispered harshly. "I have top marks in defence against the dark arts, I can defend myself, thank you very much!"

Tom didn't let go, and so Harry drew his wand and peered around Tom's side, sticking out his wand too.

Thankfully, it was just a Slytherin. The duo lowered their wands.

"Nott!" Tom exclaimed, sounding pissed off. "What the hell are you doing?"

"... walking?" Was all Nott said, before sighing. "Well, it's good I came across you. I need your help with Runes, Riddle."

Suddenly, a horrid sour taste spread across Harry's tongue, almost causing him to cough. His eyes watered and he blinked hard, causing a few to fall.

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