Author's Apology

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Sorry for not posting for so long you guys! I thought I posted that last chapter sooner! Ugh!

But ya know, whatever.

Anyways, I hoped you enjoy it! I'm still writing the book, but I'm also still writing "Trapped" and a few other things. On top of school, rehearsal, and work stuff. I promise I'll try to post more often!

Thank you guys so much for reading this! I hope you keep reading and remember to vote, comment, save, and follow.

You guys are all awesome and 400+ views wouldn't be possible without you!

But also with this new year happening, I can't stress how trying it is for so many of us! Please remember that there is ALWAYS someone out there who loves and cares for you! Someone out there will soon need your help too! Just please hold on and God/the universe will reward you for staying so strong through your struggles!

If you guys don't feel comfortable talking to anyone because you don't trust them, don't be scared to reach out! I'm here to listen!

I love you guys and I hope you enjoy this story and some of my others!

Love you! ❤️

Liar-Liar (A Thomas Brodie-Sangster Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now