Say Yes To What Dress?

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That morning I had woken up to the sun shining in my eyes. I groan and begin to stretch when I notice someone's arms around me. I look to see who it is and my heart leaps when I see it's Thomas.

I turn to face him and cuddle into his chest, feeling completely safe as I feel his chest move up and down.

I don't think I've ever felt this safe with someone before, not even Justin made me feel this way.

I didn't want to move from where I was. Everything was perfect.

But my grumbling stomach ruined it. I sigh and carefully get out of Thomas' grip, suddenly feeling cold and alone.

I buck up and start to make breakfast; camel eyes.

Camel eyes are basically toast with a hole in the middle of it, big enough to fit a sunny side up egg in it.

As I finish it up, adding the salt and pepper for the flavoring, I feel arms wrap around my waist and the person's head rest on my shoulder

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As I finish it up, adding the salt and pepper for the flavoring, I feel arms wrap around my waist and the person's head rest on my shoulder. The person rubs their face into my neck and by the shaggy mop of dirty blond hair, I knew it was Thomas.

"Morning Tommy." I say.

Thomas hums in response, the vibrations sending tingles along my skin.

"What're you making?" Thomas asks, moving to rest his chin on my shoulder. I smile and begin to scoop the food onto a plate. "Camel eyes, you wanna try?" I ask, showing him a plate.

"What is it?" Thomas asks, his eyes still squinty from sleep. I laugh and answer: "Basically toast with an egg in the middle," Thomas hums before burying his face back into my neck.

"Do you not wanna try it?" I frown, feeling slightly hurt. I knew I wasn't the best cook in the world, but I at least tried.

"Yes, of course I do." Thomas says in his muffled, British accent. "I'm just too comfortable in this position that I don't wanna move," This made me laugh.

"How about I sit on your lap and feed you? Then you can tell me how you like it," I suggest. Thomas shrugs before nodding his head. I finished putting all the camel eyes on the plate and turned off the burner. As I do, Thomas lifts me up and I yelp. He carries me bridal style until we get to the table where he sits down and sits me on his lap.

Thomas goes back to resting his head on my shoulder and I giggle.

He was so cute...

I lift up the first slice of toast to Thomas' mouth and he takes a bite. "Mhm." Thomas hums in satisfaction, to which I giggle. "This is really good," Thomas mutters after he swallows.

I smile and reply: "I'm glad you like it. I know it's probably not as gourmet as you're used to, but it's one of the few things I can cook." Thomas chuckles and replies: "You cook it wonderfully!" You blush at the complement and give him another bite, which he gladly takes.

Liar-Liar (A Thomas Brodie-Sangster Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now