Rainy Day Blues

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*Disclaimer: all characters aside from Thomas' parents, sister, and friends like Dylan O'Brien are NOT REAL PEOPLE! Many characters are based off of imagination, so please do not go on and hate people!

Hate is a serious problem that we need to get rid of!

So go ahead and dislike the characters that are a problem, but don't hate the people they are based on or any celebrities mentioned if I've altered their personalities, which I'll try to stay away from! Anyway, enjoy!*

*Thomas' P.O.V.*

I woke up to the smell of something good.

Mm... what was that?


I get out of bed and groggily trudge to the kitchen, rubbing my eyes as I go in to investigate.

I walk in to find y/n busying herself with making pancakes.

Wait, why was she in my house?

Oh, right! She moved in!

I smile and carefully sneak up behind her, noticing her AirPods in her ears. I slowly wrap my arms around her waist to which she always gives her surprised jump, but this time was violent and with a yelp. "You alright, love?" I chuckle, looking at her wide eyes as she sees it was just me.

"Thomas! That's not even remotely funny!" She glares, hitting my arm with a towel. I laugh and let go of her to shield myself with my arms.

"Sorry, love!" I laugh. "Just wanted to say good morning!" She rolls her eyes at my answer and turns back to breakfast.

I go to the table with a cheeky grin, waiting for the pancakes. Y/n already set the table, so I didn't know what to do except wait. I stare out of the window and notice it was raining. Well, I have a feeling filming will be postponed today... how splendid.

Y/n comes up and sets a mug of hot coco in front of me. "So how did you sleep, love?" I ask her.

She shrugs and goes back to the kitchen. I frown and look after her. Did I do something wrong? Was she just tired and not much of a morning person? Was she upset?

My phone goes off and I pull it out to learn that my assumption about work was right. Guess it's a home day. I look up with a smile to tell y/n, but see her back faced to me, her demeanor sad and distant.

I look out the window to the grey outside, watching as the rain hit the window and formed droplets. I look through the last day in my head, trying to see if I had done anything that could upset her. There had to be something I could do to make y/n feel better... Just what?

A plate is set down in front of me, filled with a camel eye and some gypsy bread sticks (French toast sticks, eggy bread, or french-fried bread). There was strawberries and icing sugar (powdered sugar) on the gypsy bread sticks too.

"This looks wonderful! Thanks, love." I smile up at her. She gives me a small smile and sits down. I frown tho when I see that her "smile" was fake. You could tell because it didn't reach her eyes.

I begin eating the food, my stomach becoming full and temporarily satisfied.

When I was halfway done, y/n stood up and mumbled: "I'll be in my room," I frown and follow after her with my eyes. I look back at the table and realize she had left her plate. She had always put them away.

Even more so, it was untouched.

I frown and finish my own food before taking care of my plate and storing y/n's food for later.

I begin to walk to my room to change and get ready for the day when I stop and turn my head to y/n's door. Something seemed off and I'm not sure what. She jumped worse this time rather than any other when I surprised her.

Liar-Liar (A Thomas Brodie-Sangster Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now