Meet The Cast

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Please read!!!!

So... good news:


I do not plan to post the rest of the story just yet. I will post this chapter today (obviously) and then post the rest and declare it finished this Thursday on Thanksgiving (the 25th of November)!!!

It might be the Friday after tho that some of you get it as I'm on the western side of the world 😂 .

But I'm super happy that I finished!!!

Before you guys get angry at me tho for leaving so much unfinished - there is going to be a sequel that is already in the works!!! More information will be given once the whole book is published!!!

Thank you all so much for staying with the story and continuing to vote, comment, and save!!! Please make sure to follow me for announcements and an easy access to the book!!!

Love you all!!!! You're all amazing!!! 💕

Question of the chapter:
Favorite type of food?


I couldn't wait! I had been too excited to even get too much of a proper night's rest. But I was still as energized as ever!

Just two weeks before and a week after auditions, me, Thomas, Dylan, and Ki had all been eating lunch in the living room watching a movie.

I wouldn't have ever really liked the idea of eating where there's carpet cause I hate vacuuming, but why not do it while we have guests? We were all adults!

And to make Dylan and Ki stop begging along with making them promise to have to clean up and vacuum themselves.

But as we were getting to this tense scene, my phone began ringing, causing all of them to jump and make me put my arms in front of my head to avoid the onslaught of things to be thrown at me..

"Y/n!" They all screamed, Dylan throwing a pillow at me, which I luckily blocked thanks to my arms.

"Sorry!" I say, getting up and running out of there and into my bedroom.

I look at the ID of the caller and instantly pick up.

"Hello?" I ask, trying my best to hide the nerves I was getting.

"Is this y/n y/l/n?" A voice asks through the device.

"Yes, this is her." I reply, playing with the sleeve of Thomas' hoodie.

"Hi y/n, this is Ashley!" The voice says. "I would like to inform you that we want to cast you in the roll of Ezra Salvatore! Would you still like to play this part?"

I was stunned.

So stunned my mouth hung open while my brain seem to refuse to process the words for a few minutes.

"Oh my gosh - really?" I finally gasp, my brain finally letting it go through my thick skull. "I-I would love to! That would be incredible!"

"I'm glad you're excited!" Ashley laughs. "The cast meeting is in a week! We can't wait to see you there!"

"I can't wait to come! Just one thing real quick, Ashley," I say. "While you're on the phone with me, would you like me to get Thomas and Dylan so you can cross them off your list?"

"That would be splendid!" She says. "But I also need to make sure I have the right numbers for them. But maybe you could act like you know nothing and wait for them to get back to you. Just act sad for a second so that they don't think you got in or something."

Liar-Liar (A Thomas Brodie-Sangster Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now