Morning Coffee Plans

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I wake up and prepare myself a cup of hot chocolate. I wasn't much of a coffee person. There were studies done that showed it wasn't always good to have coffee. Besides, it tasted bitter or the good kind was just too expensive.

I cozed up on the couch, looking through my script. I had decided that since I had no plans for today, I would wear my tank top and yoga pants. My hair was up in a messy bun, the loose strands framing my face. I didn't want to bother with my contacts, so I wore my glasses. I needed to rest my eyes anyway.

My doorbell rings and I look up. I wasn't expecting anyone.

Was I?

"Love? You home?" A British voice calls.

Crap! Thomas was coming today! I wasn't ready to have anyone see me like this!

I set my hot chocolate on the table before scrambling to my feet. I bolt to the bathroom before jumping back.

"Give me a minute!" I yell before running back to my bedroom, putting my glasses away and grabbing a cardigan before running to the bathroom and putting in my contacts and some light makeup. When I was done, I took a deep breath before walking to the door, hearing the doorbell ring again.

I open it up to find Thomas in casual clothes with him running his fingers through his hair. My heart skips a beat and I blush.

Remember Justin, y/n.

"Hey, thanks for waiting," I say, moving aside to let him in.

Thomas smiles and shrugs. "No problem. Did I catch you at a bad time?"

"No! No! Not at all!" I wave away. "I just, um, kinda... forgot you were coming." Thomas laughs and it sets my awkwardness at ease. I show him to the couch and motion for him to sit down.

"Can I get you anything? Hot Chocolate? Apple Cider? Coffee?" I ask, picking up my own cup of hot chocolate.

"Do you have a beer?" He asks.

My jaw drops but I pull it back together. "No, sorry. I don't drink. Especially this early." Thomas nods his head and puts his tongue in his cheek in thought.

"A coffee sounds pretty good," He says, looking up at me. I nod my head and go to the kitchen, preparing the coffee. When I got back, I caught Thomas reading my script.

"Hey!" I call, snatching the script from his hands. "You're not supposed to be reading that!"

"But you're an actor! That's amazing! I didn't know you were an actor! What movie are you in?" He asks. I sigh and roll my eyes, handing him the coffee.

"That new kids' movie, 'Once Upon a Wish'." I tell him. "I play the Princess who is heroically saved by the Prince, her knight in shining armor." I gave that description as much sarcasm as possible.

"You don't sound too thrilled about it," Thomas notices. I look up at him and meet his brown eyes.

I look down and sigh. "Ya. I hate how cliche it is. And the fact that it's encouraging that women are a weaker sex is just... ugh! I hate it!" Thomas nods his head, leaning in as he listens intently. I give a small laugh and shrug. "I guess I'm just too strong-willed. Maybe that's why I've only had one boyfriend before Justin..." I go silent as I go back to my youth.

"Why are you doing the movie, then?" Thomas asks. I look up at him and ask: "Does your job pay well, Thomas?" Thomas looks at me shocked before seeing that I didn't care what the amount was, I just wanted to know if he got along well in life.

"Yes, I suppose it does." He finally says.

"Well, believe it or not; but a barista and waitress barely makes the cut for me to buy everything I need." I say, fiddling with my now cold cup of coco. "I always wanted to try my hand at voice acting, so when I found a gig, I took it. Everything I did for the audition was acting; the stuff I was supposed to act, and the acting that I wanted the job more than I needed it. This job is my best paying gig yet! And it got me to London! Somewhere I've always wanted to go! I just have to push through and hope that this puts in better chances of getting good jobs."

"Why not try screen acting?" Thomas asks me. I give him a questioning look and he smiles. "I know I'd pay to see you on screen."

I laugh and cover my mouth with my hand to hid the blush. "You sure are a flirt, Thomas Brodie Sangster." I laugh. Thomas shrugs and replies: "What can I say? I was declared a heartthrob when I was a teen!" I let out another laugh as Thomas winks at me.

"Alright then, lover boy, how about we work out what your parents might ask and come up with excuses for it," I say after calming down. Thomas nods and we get started.

I write it all down on my phone and shared the notes with him so we could both work out what his parents might ask and got a general sense of each other. Soon, our story was put together.

According to our story, we had met 2 months ago and had decided to try dating two weeks ago. We had met at a coffee shop, him ordering a coffee and me doing work. We stayed in contact and decided to get to know each other. When we had first started dating, we had agreed to try to keep it secret, which obviously failed. Our first date was just us watching a movie in my hotel room, and we had watched Big Hero 6.

I learned that Thomas was 30, 2 years older than me, was British, played multiple instruments, and loved to travel. He also loved Chocolate ice cream.

Once everything was straightened out, I realized it was lunch. Time does fly by when you're having fun! And you know what? It really was fun.

"Mind if I take you out to lunch? Take you on a date?" Thomas asks, wiggling his eyebrows, making me laugh. "Maybe on Monday, dreamer. Today I wanna relax. And I'm supposed to talk to my boyfriend in an hour." Thomas nods his head and we walk to the door.

I open the door for him and he hugs me, shocking me. But I gladly hug back. I wave him goodbye before closing the door and preparing some lunch.

This was going to be one heck of an adventure.

Liar-Liar (A Thomas Brodie-Sangster Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now