Choking Hold

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*Surprise!!! I decided to update because 1) I'm ahead with this story 2) we're almost to 11.5k!!!!!! And 3) I decided to thank you all!!!

So please please please keep commenting and voting (just hit the little star)! You don't need to go back on every single chapter, but please vote so we can get this story higher up on the charts!

I love you all so much and thank you for staying with the story this long! We're not anywhere close to an end, but I'm not promising this to be a kiddy roller coaster.

Anyway, enjoy this longish chapter!!!

Love you all!!!!*


*TW: Verbal Abuse*

*Y/n's P.O.V.*

Two days later and I'm looking online for another audition while also texting Ember who was asking about tips on where some good places were to visit in my hometown while she visited my state.

Just as Thomas had promised that night, when he had gotten up before my parents, he had brought me back to my room.

I kind of missed him.

I had said goodbye to my parents after breakfast and then had the day to myself in which I cleaned the house and got some grocery shopping done. Today was kind of my relax day.

Thomas was on set and my parents were out touring the city.

Today was kind of the same, but my parents were coming back around lunch to pack up and eat before going back to the airport.

I was looking through the auditions, trying to find one I liked that was nearby, when the door to the house opened.

"Hello? Tommy?" I call, not sure why he'd be home so early.

"Nope, sorry sweetheart!" My dad says, walking into the room. I smile and shrug. "It's alright dad. What are you doing here without mom?" I ask.

"She's getting her nails done." Dad chuckles. "I just dropped her off before coming back and deciding to relax my tired feet."

"Well, go ahead and sit down!" I smile.

My dad returns a small smile before sitting down on the couch himself.

I go back to looking at the auditions, trying to find one that would work.

"What are you doing there?" My dad asks.

"Just looking for another audition," I answer. My dad nods and goes back to looking around.

"So why have you stopped saying your daily prayers?" My dad asks after a moment of silence. I sigh and reply calmly: "I've just been busy, dad. A lot of times when I'm eating, it's going out with a friend or Thomas."

"You still could've taught Thomas how to pray. Make him join your daily scripture study!" My dad says.

"Dad, look,-" I say before pausing to take a breath.

Calm down, y/n.

"Dad, I don't want to force anyone into the church. I don't want to make it seem like I praise my religion over their choice." I say to my dad before looking at the computer. "Besides, I'm not always reading my scriptures with people around. It's usually when I'm by myself."

My dad nods and pulls out his phone.

It's silent for awhile, neither of us saying anything. The silence only broken by the occasional typing of my fingers against the keyboard.

Liar-Liar (A Thomas Brodie-Sangster Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now