𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐦𝐞. (2)

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- Y / N -

"W-what do you mean hon? Why would you want a divorce?" She spoke and shook her head.

"Oh come on, don't be so pretentious. I know you want this too." I sighed and crossed my arms.

"You are the one who like this Y/n! We have a fucking kids!"

"Then you should've think that before kissing another woman!" I stood up and yelled, luckily there's no other people besides us.

"I didn't kissed another wo-"

"Yes you did! Do you think I'm dumb not to notice you're unusual actions. The kids were always asking me about you! And I don't know what to say because I never know where you are. like what you've said, I do not have to know because I. Am. Just. Your. Wife." I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist.

I want to let her feel what I felt wheb she's spatting those words at my face. She look down and didn't respond.

"What did I do to you for hurting me like this Mina? Am I not enough? Because you're not like this before. You're not like this mistery person before." I said in disbelief tone.

"I'm sorry." I scoffed and glare at her.

"That's all you're gonna say? I'm sorry? Answer me why you became like this?!"

"I don't know! I don't know why I kissed Chaeyoung. Everything got so fast."

"Stupid reason! You know what you're doing Mina! You just don't wanna admit that you don't love us anymore." She looked up and tried to hold my hand on the table but I dodge it as she sighed.

"I love you Y/n. I love our kids and that will never change. Please believe me just this time."

"How can I believe you Mina? You broke my trust. You hurted me and our kids. And you, having an audicity to say that you love us yet you're treating our kids like nothing. How could you.." My tears flowed down on my face while I said that.

"I-I'm sorry honey. I'm really really sorry. Please, let's fix this. Give me a second chance to fix this." I smiled bitterly and grab my bag, I stood up and wiped my tears.

"There's no way you could fix the mess you've made. The damage has been done. Wait for the divorce papers Mina. Good bye." I blurted out before leaving the café


I sighed heavily and massage my forehead. It's been a month since that scene happened and the papers came in awhile ago.

Mina and I were still in the same house for our kids but I'm always giving her cold treatment.

I don't know how to forgive her. I guess I could forgive her but I cannot forgot what she did. Cheating behind my back is the one thing that I hated in the whole entire world.

Mina is still trying to prove that she've changed. Even though I'm pushing her away, she's still trying to be strong and ignore all of the words that i'm saying to her.

Sometimes, I feel guilty towards my actions but what can I do? I'm hurt. I cannot control my emotions towards her.

"Miss, your wife is here." Lia said making me snapped in my thoughts.

"A-ah, okay. Let her in." She smile and nodded before she called Mina.

Soon later, the door opened again revealing my wife, holding a brown paper bag.

"A-are you busy Y/n? Sorry if I bo-"

"No I'm not. It's my lunch time Anyways. By the way, why are you here?" I asked, she let out a small smile before placing the paper bag on my table.

"I do not have a work today so I decided to make you a meal." I nodded and grab the paper bag.

I opened it already smelling the delicious food she made. I look at the food seeing a tupperware containing pasta. My favorite meal.

I smiled and grab it before placing it on the table. I'm about to dig in when I remembered the papers.

"Oh, uhm Mina." She hummed in response.

"The papers are already here. Do you want to sign it now?" I asked while staring at her, she sighed and balled her fist.

"Do you really want to erase me in your life Y/n? Are you that mad at me? I tried to fix it. I tried to change myself again. Aren't that enough to you not to divorce me? I still love you Y/n." She said with teary eyes.

"Mina, I don't know what to do anymore. I-"

"Do you still love me Y/n?" She cutted me off, I didn't respond and look away.

I still love her ofcourse but my mind is fighting with my heart. I'm still hurt.

"Answer me please, tell me that you still love me. Tell me that you still care for me. Tell me that we can fix this baby please. Just tell me.. I want to hear it from you.." She leaned close to me and place her forehead on mine.

I sighed and place my arms on her waist. I pecked her forehead and caress her cheeks. She stared at my eyes and lean on my hand.

"I still love you Mina.. But my trust for you isn't that enough to take you back again. I whispered, she nodded and crack a small smile.

"I understand love.. I will wait.. I will wait for the right time, I will wait for you." She said and hug me tightly, I nodded and stroke her hair.

"Thank you Mina.. Thank you for understanding me." She nodded and hold my hand.

"I will always understand you my love.. I will always wait for you.." She said and kissed my forehead as I closed my eyes and feel her soft lips.

"Thank you.. Don't worry, someday I could forgive you also.." I whispered.

"Then I will wait for that day to happen.."

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