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- ʙᴇɪɴɢ ɪɴʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀ sᴇɴɪᴏʀ


- Y / N -

"You know what Y/n, stop day dreaming about her. As you can see, she's our senior bro." Lisa spoke while shaking her head, I sighed deeply and place my hand on my chin.

"But I do really like her Lis. I don't know why. She's so attractive and very kind also. I mean, I know she's older than me but. Age doesn't matter." I defended, she chuckled and tap my cheeks with her index finger.

"You're so in love to her. Well, you're correct tho. Sana is very attractive but don't forget, I saw that someone is courting her and I heard that Sana like him too. So don't get your hopes high." Lisa showed a small smile before drinking her hot choco.

"Him?? Did you also heard what his name??" I asked, eager to know who's that guy she's pertaining to.

"Hmm, I think it's.. Bambam oppa." She blurted out making me choke on my strawberry milk.

I coughed hardly as she tap my back gently trying to make me feel better. After awhile, I stopped coughing and exhaled sharply.

"She likes my cousin. I see.. Oppa is making a move." I mumbled while nodding my head.

"You know what bro, just look for other girls. You don't deserve her. You deserve much better that can reciprocate the love you will give." She said seriously, I chuckled softly.

"Why are you chuckling pabo?? Did I say something funny??" Lisa furrowed her eye brows, I shaked my head and stood up.

"I never thought you can be serious bro. I thought the only thing you know is the mandu girl you like.." I laughed loudly before running away.



I hold my knees while panting hardly. I arrived here at the rooftop by just running away from the fuming monkey. I chuckled remembering her funny reaction.

She doesn't really like someone calling Jennie unnie some bad nick names. Jennie unnie is just a year older than us that's why they're very close like hell. I know Jennie unnie likes her too but the monkey is just being coward.

That's why she's not making a move to her not knowing that unnie is just waiting for her.

I sighed deeply and sit on the ground. I stretched my arms and let out a deep breath. What Lisa said awhile ago hit me very badly. She's correct that I need to find a girl who will reciprocate the love I will give.

But Sana unnie is different from them. There's something on her that no other girls have. And actually, that something I mentioned. I can't even determine what thing she has that I fell in love with.

"Y/n??" I jumped in suprise because of the female voice and turned around.

I immediately smiled when I saw an angel infront of me. It's Sana unnie.

"Unnie, I didn't know you're here." I said and bowed my head slightly, she giggled cutely and sat beside me, staring at nowhere.

"The sun looks so beautiful, right?" She spoke broking the silence, I nodded and smiled.

"The sun is always beautiful even if it's setting down." I said and sighed deeply.

"Y/n, can I ask you something??" She averted her gaze on me, I hummed in response still not looking at her.

"How can you determine if you're in love?" She asked, I look at her in suprised and snickered.

She frowned and slap my arms. Woah, that hurts gosh, she hits like a mad woman. Now I'm scared huhu~~

"Why?? Is there something funny??" She pouted, I look away trying not to kiss her red luscious lips.

"Well in my perspective, you will know that you're in love with someone if you find something interesting about that person that no one have. Or maybe, you fall in love with that person but you didn't even know why did you love about him/her." I said, she nodded and place her index finger on her chin.

"So I fell in love already??" She mumbled loud enough for me to hear.

I chuckled trying to hide my sadness but it's slowly appearing. I hope she doesn't notice but me being a good pretender, I could mask this pain with a good smile.

"M-may I know who's that lucky person?" I cursed myself for stuttering, I hope she won't notice my strange actions.

"Well, it's a she." She smiled, I looked at her with confused face.

"I-I tho-"

"You heard the issue thingy between me and Bambam?" She cut me off, I nodded. She chuckled and exhaled sharply.

"Bambam and I are just best friends. We're treating each other like siblings. I don't know where that fucking issue came from. Bambam oppa has a girlfriend already and I don't like him." She shake her head, I hummed while nodding my head.

"So.. Who's the lucky girl??" I asked with a little hope in my tone.

"I'm just gonna describe her and it's up to you to guess her." I nodded in agreement.

"She's taller than me and she's very hot. Like when she's playing basketball, I always notice her six-packs rock abs showing because of her perspiration. That girl also love to stare at me secretly not knowing that sometimes, I stare at her also." She stop and turned her gaze on me.

I'm still listening trying to guess who's that fucking girl she likes... Joke.

"She has this thick well-lined eye brows, long eye lashes, light brown orbs, pointed nose, sharp jaws, chubby cheeks with dimples on both of 'em and lastly, her pinkish plump lips." I smiled secretly, know the girl she likes.

"I know who she is unnie.." I smiled happily, she grinned and tell me to spill it.

"Is it, Tzuyu???" Her smile faded making me confuse again..

ᴅᴜᴍʙ ʏ/ɴ ᴡᴏᴡ!

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