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- sᴀɴᴀ's sɪᴅᴇ ᴘʀᴏғɪʟᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ᴇᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴀʟ. ᴘᴀᴋɪʙᴏᴡᴛ ᴋᴇᴋᴇᴋᴇᴋ


- Y / N -

Did you feel like a volcano that will errupt in any minute? Because me, I'm actually feeling like an active volcano by just looking at this fucking guy touching my girl with his filthy, dirty hand.

It's obvious that she's being uncomfortable and this friends of her, keep pushing her to that hoe.

My fist is being balled while glaring at them. I couldn't do anything yet because I still have photoshoot but if this people won't stop, I will never hesitate to fire them all.

"And.. Good!!" I heaved a sigh in relief when the photographer shouted.

All the staffs greeted me with alot of loves as well the photographers but my mind is still with my girl.

Once I finished fixing myself, I went behind them who's still pushing her to that hoe.

"Just go with him Sana. Jungkook is a good man." I will gonna kick this girl to that Jungcock.

"Yes Irene is right unnie. Jungkook looks like a good guy." The cat eyed girl which I assumed named Jihyo

"Guys shut it. I already said that I have someone now right??" I smirk to myself when Sana finally defended herself.

"We know but is she a good man like Jungkook? Is she rich too?" I clenched my jaws, wrapping my arm on Sana's shoulder making them looked at me with suprise.

"B-boss.." I smirked and kissed Nayeon's cheek, they gasped as I glared at them.

"You keep pushing her to the boy who's cannot reach my wealth. I am no good man but I could make her feel good. I am also rich, richer than Michael Bezo. I can also fire you all in just a snap." I muttered, they looked down embarrassingly while Sana hides her face on my neck.

"Are you really her friend?! That hoe obviously is pervert! Not because he's rich and handsome, that doesn't mean that he's a good guy because Mr. Jung is completely a perverted dick." They all nodded.

"Baby.. Stop." I looked at Sana seeing how sad and shy she is.

I nodded and kissed her forehead, dragging her gently to my office.

I closed the door, locking it before pinning her to the wall. I cupped her cheeks as she leaned on my touch.

"Don't you ever hesitate to fight back for yourself again love. You can push them away because they're just being trash. Always remember that." I whispered as I pressed my lips on hers, kissing her passionately.

She instantly responded, wrapping her arms around my neck pulling me more close to her while I put my hands on her back pressing our body together. I can feel her heat and it makes me more turn on.

*knock* *knock*

We heard a knock and she's about to pull away but I shake my head, kissing her again.

We didn't mind the person who just fucking knock so I continued devouring her soft lips.

*knock* *knock*

I groaned in annoyance when the knocks became harder. I forcefully pulled away as she giggled and flicked my pouting lips. She opened the door revealing the fucking AUTHORNIM!

Yes authornim, she's fucking here to annoy me again. What a pussy blocker.

(ᴀ/ɴ: ʏᴜɴ ᴛᴀʟᴀɢᴀ ᴛʀᴀʙᴀʜᴏ ᴋᴏ ᴅɪᴛᴏ)

See, she's talking like that. I can't even understand her for fucks sake.

"Hello my frien–"

"Shut up A/n, we're not friends! Why are you here again?! I'm busy!!" I groaned and rolled my eyes.

She laughs and shake her head, she pulled out her phone typing something there. I got curious so I look at it seeing that she's about to erase our chapter.

"Yah!!!!! I'm just joking A/n!! I love you please don't delete it~"

"Okay payn. Just be thankful that I am beautiful potato kase kung hindi, tinapon na kita sa mars with your little girlfriend." I gasped and hits her repeatedly in the... Face.

"You fucking potato! What's you're business here??!" I asked with pure annoyance.

"Well, I just visited you. Sikat ka na sa tiktok girl puta daming nagawa ng dummy acc tas Y/n official nakalagay HAHAHHA." I slapped her face with the book making her shut her mouth.

"I couldn't understand you!" I sternly said.

"I said that you have a clowns on tiktok. Y/n official is their username and SOME of them are actually you know.. Mafia queen daw amp." She muttered and rolled her eyes.

"That's all??" I ask boredly.

"Aren't you worried??"

"No. First of all, I don't care about them. I don't actually have tiktok app. Second, I don't fucking care of their cringey shits in life because all I care is Sana and myself,"

"Ouch! So you don't care about me?!" She asked dramatically while crying fakely.

"Slight." She scoffed.

"Third, you just ruined our 'time' here you fucking pussy blocker so leave now before I throw you to the sea." I threatened her.

"As if you could plus.. I could delete these chapter, you horny jerk." She smirked evily.

"You're already in the sea before you do that." She puffed an air before stooding up.

"You got me today. Anyway, hi Sana-shi.. This girlfriend of yours is being hoe so make sure to rail her.." She said and run away before I catch her.

"I am the one who's gonna rail her, potato stick!!" I shouted.

Now this pussy blocker left, I could actually grant my own wish. And that is too...

Rail her, here in the office

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