𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 (2)

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- ᴏᴋᴀʏ, ɪ ɢᴜᴇss ᴛʜɪs ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ʜᴇʜᴇ ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛ ʟᴀɴɢ ᴛᴏʜ sᴏ ʏᴇᴀʜ ᴅɪ ɴʏᴏ sᴜʀᴇ ʙᴀᴋᴀ ᴍᴀʏ sᴜɴᴏᴅ ᴘᴀ ᴅɪᴛᴏ ɪᴛ ᴅᴇᴘᴇɴᴅs sᴀ ᴍᴏᴏᴅ ᴋᴏ ʜᴇʜᴇʜᴇ

- three years later..

- Y / N -

It's been three years, I am now a CEO of a law firm. It's been good since I remember, I've been great actually. I have now a good confidence which a necessity because I am a lawyer so I do really need that.

It been good years for my career but for my love life, it's still nothing. Perhaps, having someone in my life is not necessary for me knowing how busy I am so I drowned myself into a lot of works just to forget that I'm alone.

I'm still hooked with my past and I'm still not ready to have a lover. But, if someone will try or perhaps caught my eyes, then I will trust the destiny for it.

For once, I will give my trust again. I hope I will see someone who will treasure my trust, not to break it for someone.

"Ms. Park?" I looked up seeing one of my closest people here inside my law firm, Myoui Mina.

"Yes??" Mina went to me and gave some files.

Another work, yahoooo!

"What's this?" Asked me while flipping the page of the paper.

"Sexual Harassment. The criminal's name is Mark Tuan and the victim is Minatozaki Sana-"

"Okay.. Thanks for this, Mina-shi.." I cutted her off as she nodded in response before going out.

Sexual Harassment..

Mark Tuan, my past bestfriend became a criminal and worst is, he even taught me how to respect women before and now, he will go in jail because of this.

Minatozaki Sana, the girl I fell in love with before. Worst now because I will handle their case so there's a possibility that we will see each other again.

What a good fucking night!

The hearing will be tomorrow for fucks sake I thought I can have my rest tomorrow!

Oh God mercy!!

- okay I will skip the law part because you see, I don't have knowledge with that but that's one of my dream, being a lawyer so anyways, here we goooo

Finally! The hearing is done! I can finally take a long rest because this day is so tiring. I am so tired physically and emotionally knowing Sana is here.

The case went well, Mark is now behind bars. He looks pitiful awhile ago, he was crying and begging to her wife but Sana remained firm because hello! That's Sexual Harassment for fucks sake!

"Nice having debate with you, Ms. Park." Tss, this cat lady will never fail to annoy me.

I heave a deep breath and said "You're starting again Ms. Kim, I thought I already said to you that I am just doing my job professionally not with some childish debates infront of the justices."

The cat lady infront of me just laughed before patting my shoulders and walked away. If I were her, I will erase that ugly smirk on her lips because smile suits her more.

(ᴀ/ɴ: sᴍɪʟᴇ ʟᴀɴɢ ʙᴀ ᴛᴀʟᴀɢᴀ ʏ/ɴ???)

"Y/n-shi.." A familiar voice spoke behind me, making me turn around meeting the figure of the girl who caught my heart before. Yes before.

I smiled at her and said, "nice to meet you again, Sanaya.." Woohoo calm down!

"It's been a long time since we last met.. How.. How are you?" I'm fine Sana.. I'm fine without thinking about you..

"I'm good. I had a lot of works but thankfully, I still can have a good rest." I answered with a small smile.

She nodded as a response, looking awkward towards me which I don't really find unusual. Even me, I feel awkward with her but thanks for studying the word 'professionalism' I don't really feel awkward except of the slight pinch.

"I'm gonna go now Sana-shi. Nice meeting you once again.." I said and smile, about to leave when I felt a firm grasp on my wrist that made me turn around again.

Aish!! I wanted to take a rest huhu T^T

"Yes..?" Asked me, earning a shy smile from the Japanese.

"Ah well.. Uh-"

"Ms. Park!" I heaved sigh, turning around when I heard a loud shout coming from the familiar person.

"Lalisa Pranpiya Manoban!" I muttered under my breath, glaring at the jolly kid who's smiling widely while walking towards me.

"Annyeong.." The kid waved her hand while still smiling widely.

"We're going now Sana-shi.. See you again.." I said and dragged this Thai outside.

Once we arrived, I glare at her that made her pouted which made me cringe. Why do I need to babysit this childish lawyer oh gosh I hate this huhu!

The kid clings on my arm and asked, "who is she Y/n/n??"

"Ex-friend." I answered shortly, earning a gasp from her.

"She is the girl Jennie unnie pertaining to.. Now I know-"

"What do you mean..?" I asked in curious tone.

Jennie told her about what happened to me and Sana?! Aish that traitor!

"Jennie unnie once told me, Jisoo unnie and Rosé about you and someone named Sana. She also mentioned ah.. The name of the criminal today.." Aish!

"But don't worry Y/n/n, your secret will never be exposed, trust me." The Thai made a weird pose that made me chuckle.

This idiot!

"You should Ms. Manoban, I will kill you once you exposed that. Mark my words." She nodded vigorously and kiss my cheek before running away.

Aish! What a idiot!

- two years later

"Baby..?" The idiot called while hiding behind the couch.

Well this idiot, cooked again without my knowing ending up burning the food and almost burned our house.

She is now hiding behind the couch while I'm holding a frying pan, ready to pounce her and hit her for burning an egg. Yes, a fucking egg!

"Come out now Lisaya if you don't want me to throw this frying pan to your forehea-"

"Hi baby.. Please don't be mad anymore, I promise I will never gonna do that again— ouch!" She winced when I hit her arms by the frying pan.

"You idiot! Why didn't you just wake me up so that I can cook for you!?" I asked madly, making the Thai flinch on my tone.

She chuckled nervously and answered, "it is because you looked exhausted! Plus, you looked so gorgeous while just sleeping ehee!"

Okay calm down Y/n.. You are mad! You are mad at h-

"K fine! But Lalisa, wake me up if you're hungry or something okay?!"

"Ne master~"

"Aish Yah!!" I shouted and about to hit her again but the idiot run upstairs while laughing loudly.

I chuckled and place down to frying pan, thinking why did I fell in love with her. Perhaps, because of her personality..? I'm not even sure because I hate her goofiness before but now, I love it whenever she's like that.

Sana and I never met again but I heard that she went back to Japan. I didn't really dig in more information about her because this Thai kept me busy all the time but hey, I'm not complaining.

Lalisa Manoban is one of the person who made my heart being like this, beating madly containing of joyness and love.

Finally huhu, I already have someone who can love me. I finally have a girlfriend oh gosh!!

Maybe the universe I'm about to build with the Japanese didn't work because it's destinied with this Thai.

She helped me to build Our Universe.

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