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- J I H Y O -

Aigoo.. Look at this students. Aren't they can be behave just in a mean time. This is a school not a bar that you can make out and even fuck.

I'm Park Jihyo, Music teacher. The school that I'm working at is an elite school. They're some daughter of Mayors, Governors, Senators, Businessmans, Ceos and so and so forth.

They can even control other teachers but.. Ha! I am an exception. You know why?? Because owner of this school is my brother. Hehe.

So specifically, I can scold them, scare them because I am powerful. But ofcourse, I'm not using the perks of being sister of the owner. I am still a teacher.

But you know that there's a class that annoys me so much, well not the class but a one student there.

Her name is Kang Y/n, daughter of Kang Seulgi and Bae Irene.

They own alot of business in the world, Miss Seulgi owns alot of dance entertainment, she also own a fashion management were Miss Irene's working as a professional model.

I know them of course because both of them is my bestfriend. They're both are very humble and generous. I don't know why their daughter is opposite of them.

Y/n is egoistic, loud, bully, baddass, jerk.

And yeah.. She's also flirty.

In short, she's evil.

She always flirts with me anytime I'm going to their class. I don't know how but she's not afraid of me, my glares, my loud voice, my scolds. She's even laughing even if I'm scolding her already.

A fucking Jerk right.

"Oh.. Hello Miss beautiful— oh Miss Park I mean." Speaking of the demon, I showed my fake smile before rolling my eyes, ignoring her like nothing happened.

"Okay class goodmorning, today we're going to the music room. Come on, follow me students." Did I mention that Y/n is being seductive too.

Well she is right now, she's looking at me like a lion, ready to eat their prey. I scoffed and didn't paid attention to her as usual.

When we arrived in the musical room, I let them enter. Y/n who seems still flirting at me, got bumped by a student.

"Ouch! What the fuck is your problem?!" She yelled madly and hold the collar of the guy which is her classmate.

"You're blocking the way so I just walked casually." He answered without being scared.

"Oh really?? Do you want me to punch you until that fucking face of yours get full of bruises?!" The guy just chuckled before launching his fist on Y/n.

"Hey! You two! Stop it!" I yelled, the guy immediately stop and fix his collar.

"Kang Y/n, follow me to the clinic. After this, you two will go to my office." I said sternly before dragging Y/n to the clinic.

When we arrived, I let her sit on the clinic bed as I grabbed the medical Kit. I pour the alcohol on the cotton ball and gently poked it to the cut, beside her lower lip.

"Ah! Be gentle Miss Park." She exclaimed but I saw her flashed a smirk, I scrunched my nose when I realize what she meant and that smirk means too.

"Shut up. Did I told you to pick a fight?" I asked, getting annoyed by her attitude.

"He punched me first! Why are you taking his side?!" She asked back.

"Are you raising your voice at me?" I asked with my deep, intimidating voice.

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