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- J E O N G Y E O N -

While I'm just chillin' here in the couch. My step sis sat beside me while crossing her arms with her lips, pouting. I gulped trying to resist the urge to kiss her red, plump lips. I cleared my thoat and glanced at her.

"Why are you pouting? You look like a duck honestly." I tried not to laugh while she whined and throw a glare at me.

"You're so mean. Well, my problem is my friend wants to court me." She blurted out making me choke on my saliva, I cough while she rub my back soothing me.

"Are you okay unnie?" She asked worriedly, I nodded and rub my chest.

"Anyways, who's that person who will court you?" I asked coldly and sit properly, she sighed and slump her back on the couch.

"It's Tzuyu." I nodded while secretly clenching my fist.

"Are you.. Close with her??" She nodded and smiled.

"Of course unnie, Tzuyu is the sweetest person I've ever met." She said while staring at the ceiling.

"I can be more sweeter if you want tho." I whispered, she averted her gaze on me and furrowed her eyebrows.

"What unnie?? Did you say something??"

"N-no, it's nothing. It's your decision Y/n, just follow your heart. If you like her then.. Let her court you." I shrug my shoulders and go back to my phone.

"But I already like someone unnie.." She mumbled making me choke again.

"What *cough* do you *cough* mean?" I said between my coughs, she chuckled and caress my hair.

"I like someone but I'm not sure if she likes me too." She smiled widely, I look down feeling my heart sank.

"Oh really, who's that lucky girl?" I asked, she shook her head and stood up.

"You already know her by yourself, unnie." She responded before heading upstairs leaving me dumbfounded.

What the- I know her?! Who the fuck she is so I can kill her now?!! But she's so lucky because the love of my life likes her.

Y/n and I can be in relationship because it will not be incest because when Y/n's father married my mother, I'm already alive.. In short, we're not literally blood-related..

Kim Y/n is the perfect girl I have known in my entire life. Even though she's not even doing anything, you can stare at her flawless, gorgeous, goddess face not even getting board.

Plus, she is so kind and generous. One time when she became the top student at the school, she didn't even had an reaction and became humble.

All my ideal types for a girl is in her. She can cook, dance, sing, draw, swim etc. She is also flexible and knows every sports. That's how perfect she is. That's why I love her. Now I'm thinking, who is the girl she like??

It's impossible to be me because I'm just nobody to her. I'm not even sweet or caring about her.

Or that's what she thought hehe..

I just don't want to be showy and clingy because I wanted to show it only for her.

It can be Lisa Manoban because I heard that she likes Y/n and she can be Y/n's ideal type because she's the captain of football in the school.

Or.. Minatozaki Sana. I heard that her and Y/n were very close along with Nayeon, my best friend. Sana is a nerd but not the nerd you can bully, she is the top student along with Y/n and a cheer leader.

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