𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮.

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- Flashback -

"Let's break up." As soon as she said that, my jaw dropped being speechless.

Break up..


"Why?" I whispered while looking down with flustered expression.

"I'm not happy anymore." She answered nonchantly that made me frown.


"I am not happy anymore Y/n." She repeated, I scoffed and drink my coffee and chuckle abit.

Once I felt the hot coffee flowed down in my throat, I throw the cup on the wall making it shattered into pieces. Jihyo flinched hardly as I let out a sharp sigh, looking back at her with rage in my eyes.

"How could you say that?? I thought you love me??" I asked in pain tone, she didn't responded instead she stood up and slapped me hardly that made my face tilt on the side.

"Love you?? Y/n, I'm being suffocated in this relationship! I'm sick of your affection that always choking me! I don't want this anymore, I don't want you anymore!! So please let me go.. Let me go already.."

"No," I answered.

"Call me selfish or whatever but no, I will never let you go.. Jihyo I love you. If you want me to lessen my clinginess then I will do that but please.. Don't leave me." I pleaded and tried to hold her hand but she back away, not wiping her glare to me.

"Can't you understand?!! I. Don't. Love. You. Anymore." She emphasized everyword before walking away, leaving me kneeling down while holding my chest.

- Flashback ends -

"Ohh.. You know what, I'm wondering," Lisa place her hand under her chin with thinking expression being plastered on her face.

I told her what happened and of course, she scolded me saying that I shouldn't said that because it's clearly that Jihyo isn't happy with me anymore.

I already know that and accepted it with all my heart, it's just that I couldn't figure out why she wants to break up with me out of a sudden.

"What if.. She has a paramour??" I spit out my coffee and coughed abit, wiping my lips and chin as I threw a stern glare at her.

"Paramour?! That's absurd."

"No it's not. Look, Jihyo broke up with you without telling what is the reason.. Or she didn't loved you at all."  She said nonchantly.

I sighed deeply, taking a sip of my coffee enjoying how warm and bitter it is. Just like my life, in the first time we've met, my life is so warm and bubbly, sweet and cozy. But the time goes by, she became cold, bitter, snob to me without telling me the exact reason why she's acting like that.

"Relax bro, I'm sorry for being blunt." She apologize and pat my shoulder.

"It's okay Lis, no prob. I already know that and sometimes, I also assumed that she didn't really loved me." I said and heave a sigh.

"You know Y/n, this problems in life will go away. Stop stressing yourself and have some self care, you badly need it." She said as her phone rings.

"Excuse me.." I nodded as she walked away.

She's right. I do really self care because this past few weeks, I'm so stressed of work and her. I keep thinking about her, even having insomia because I couldn't erase her words in my mind.

It rings on my ears, very loud harsh words of her that won't fade in my mind. It so hurtful, engaving a big wound in my heart that I couldn't even heal.

I'm in pain, because of the words her mouth left. I'm in pain, because she let me feel how much she hate me in those words. I'm in pain, because instead of hating you, I keep loving you every single day.

Someone please wake me up in reality that we already broke apart, walking away with different path in life, pursuing our dreams without each other, oh God I want to wake up.

I don't wanna be stuck in the past when there's still us, we're still together, I can call her mine, I can hug her, kiss her, love her. I miss her so much.

"I'm back." I snapped out in my thought when Lisa came back.

"So.. Who called?" I tried to divert my mind, asking Lisa with a sigh in the end.

"Oh it's my wife, she asked what I want for our dinner tonight." She answered with a light chuckle.

"I still can't believe Jennie unnie married a monkey like you." I laughed loudly as she gasped and hold her chest, pretending she hurt and offended.

"Hey!! That's offending." She shouted and rolled her eyes.

Look at this monkey, copying her wife's rolling eyes reaction. Now I believe that what you eat is what you get.. Or look like.

"But kidding aside Lis, I'm happy for you both. Who would've thought that you two will end up together knowing how whipped you are to Chaeyoung." I said and chuckled lightly.

"Well, everything changed for a reason. Chaeyoung is now happily married with her long time crush, Kim Jisoo." I nodded and smile.

Reminiscing the old times of our life that we're being unproblematic and enjoying our college lives.

After our good talk, I immediately headed to my apartment, jumping on my bed and let out a tired sigh. We had a good talk and I hate to admit, I miss hanging out with my friends especially the squad.

*rings* rings*

My hand search for my phone as I reach it on my side table. I didn't look at the caller's name, being lazy as usual.



"Hey. Jihyo..."

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