𝐔𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞. (2)

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- Y / N -

Her smile faded and sighed deeply. I frowned feeling nervous. She looks hella serious which is kind of.. Scary.

"Is it wrong unnie??" I asked nervously, she giggled and pinched my cheeks.

"It's you idiot. I didn't know you could be oblivious gosh." She rolled her eyes and flipped her hair.

I froze, still processing what she've said. She averted her gaze on mine again and cupped my cheeks.

"I like you Y/n.. I really do.. It's okay if you don't like-" I didn't let her finish her words by slammimg my lips on hers.

She froze but she responded and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me close to her.

"Ah." She whimpered when I bit her lower lip gently, We pulled away and stared at each other's eyes.

"So.. You like me too??" I asked, she blushed and buried her face on my neck.

"Yeah, well who wouldn't like you tho.. All the girls has a crush on you and I-I get jealous when you're flirting with them." She mumbled, I chuckled and caress her hair.

"Well, it just for fun Sana. I'm sorry if I made you jealous.." I apologized and kissed the top of her head.

She nodded and look up again pecking my lips many times. I blushed as she giggled while pointing my cheeks.

"You look like a tomato, baby." I blushed more when I heard our endearment.

"You're so red." She pinched my cheeks and brush her nose on mine.

"Yeah yeah yeah, stop now baby because you're fluttering me so much." She chuckled and throw herself on my body.

I place my hands on her waist while my chin was on her neck.

"You don't know how much you made me happy today baby.. I never thought you would like me too.." I mumbled, she hummed and broke our hug.

"I will make you happy every day baby.." I nodded and attach our forehead together.

"I still couldn't believe that my senior loves me. I love you unnie."

ᴜᴍᴀʏ ʙʀᴜʜʜʜ

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