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16 years old

It’s my birthday today. I celebrated with Grams, Caroline, Tyler and some friends from our taekwondo class. Caroline insisted on inviting Elena and Matt but I kindly reminded her previous years incident where I was falsely made as the bad guy so she dropped it.

Tyler grumbles about Matt being an idiot puppy to always follow behind Elena and not see right from wrong.

I cut my birthday cake and we party hard till we’re exhausted.


Today we meet at Caroline’s house to go over our plan to save Enzo from Whitmore property. They are going to distract the security while I take out the doctors and free Enzo. When they heard about Enzo they all the more wanted to be part of the plan to save him and I couldn’t say no to them.

Now here we are standing in front of Whitmore house. Caroline and Tyler are going from the front to take care of security guards. They are both trained and Caroline even sneaked taser gun from her mom so they are going to be fine.

I sneak from behind. So far there isn’t anybody here. Ah I hear them from that room in the corner. I ready myself. I slam the door open and there’s 3 men 2 cutting the vampire and 1 taking notes. These disgusting people I put them under sleeping spell.

I walk towards the dazed vampire and yanks open his locks.

Enzo is looking at me like I’m some fragment of his imagination and going vanish anytime. I take his hand to guide him towards the door when he speaks for the first time.

En- Are you real? Is this really happening or I’m just imagining you?

B- It is real. I’m breaking you out of here. Are you hungry? There should be blood around here somewhere.

En- Don’t worry Angel. I can feed myself. You don’t mind if I kill these imbeciles?

B- No, I don’t mind. I’ve put them under sleeping spell. If you want to kill them it's your choice. Do you want me to wake them up? Or I can hex them if you prefer that?

En- No Angel, I want to end them right now. If you please.

I wave my hand to the person in front of Enzo, he wakes up to see Enzo grab him and drain him dry in a split second. Enzo looks at me I wave my hand to wake both doctors. As soon as they wake up they lunge towards Enzo with what seems like vervain injections but Enzo is fast and they are both dead. Ones head is separated from his body and the others neck is broken.

Then Enzo goes to a fridge to take three blood bags. We step out of the building. I set fire on the building. Enzo is sipping on his blood bags when Caroline and Tyler tackle me to a hug.

T- We were so worried about you.

C- Yeah, why didn’t you come find us first?

I calm them down by hugging the hell out of them.

B- Calm down guys. I’m fine. You guys alright?

C- Humph. Who do you think we are. Those lazy guards, we took care of them in less than 5 mins. Btw is this the abused vampire guy? 

B- Care, Ty this is Enzo. Enzo this is Caroline and Tyler they helped to get you out.

“Umm.. Hi. I’m Caroline, Bonnie’s awesome best friend” said Caroline cheerfully.

“Hey man, I’m Tyler their friend and bodyguard. Listen man we saved you from here because we felt bad when we heard about you being tortured and all but let me tell you if my girls or any of us get in any danger because of you, it will be your last day. I’ll make sure of it.” Tyler said

“Ok big guy let’s go home yeah” I tell Tyler walking off.

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