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As I finished our talk Elena is coming in with none other than the, 'herohair' Stefan Salvatore.

Matt is as usual giving her the kicked puppy look.

I am just thinking if I should go home right now but Elena saw us and Care is also enthusiastic about knowing the 'new guy', so who am I to interrupt.

They came to our table and sat down. Elena introduced "Hey guys, this is Stefan Salvatore. The new guy at school."

"Hey, Stefan." We all greet, he scans the group until he gets to me. His brows furrow but he doesn't say anything.

We start the conversation with a good ol'cannon interrogation.

"So, you were born in Mystic Falls?" Care asked him as she sits up straight with intertwined fingers.

"Mm-Hmm. And moved when I was still young." He tells us.
All he can really do now is answer our questions and try not to look bad in front of Elena.

"Parents?" I asked. All parents suck in this god awful town, even a hundred years ago they sucked. A thousand years ago it was still same, huh. I mentally add.

"My parents passed away." Something in Elena clicked at that moment. Like a connection click. I can picture her train of thought. 'Oh, my parents died. Trauma bonding. He understands me.'

"I'm sorry. Any siblings?" She looks at him with pity.

"None that I talk to-"

"But you do have siblings?" Tyler interrupts. Care, Ty and me looking down trying to suppress our laugh, Elena looks at us confused, as if she was left out of an inside joke, which she of course was.

"A brother, yeah. But I live with my uncle." He clears his throat and continues as planned. We all watch him for a moment as he shifts uncomfortably. This is gold. Pure gold.

"So, Stefan, if you're new, then you don't know about the party tomorrow." Caroline reaches out trying to be nice. I would just love to keep that awkward silence going just to watch him squirm some more.

"Are you going?" That is so rude though, in cannon Caroline was actually reaching out to him and he ignored her. He didn't even let her down easy at the bonfire.

"Oh she's going." I keep laughing. And they are back to eyefucking each other.

I take Caroline home tonight to talk about how she should not fall for the slimy doppelgänger. So now that we're in bed I told her about the doppelgängers curse how that's why a 500+ years old vampire who's also Amara and Elena's doppelgänger falls head over heels for Stefan at first sight who is Silas's doppelgänger. They will always find each other, fall in love. So it's easy for travelers to find them.

"So you're telling me telling me there is a 500+ years old dopplevamp in love with Stefan? How old is he? 160? 170? That's like robbing a cradle! Oh god." gushed Caroline.

"I told you all this shit and you only care about their age difference? Is your brain OK?" I asked.

"No, I'm fine. But how can you be OK with it?" Care inquired.

"Well Care they are older, ancient even. But they are atleast 17-18 or higher in age when they first turned into vampires so technically they're of age, so when they turned they can date their peers but after a hundred years all their peers are dead. So who can they date then? It's not like you can expect them to have become nun right? The most they can do is not date someone below legal age. If not even if they date a 80 or 90 year old grandma they are still robbing the cradle." I answer her patiently.

"OK OK yeah that wouldn't be fair to them. Still, Katherine, huh!" care said.

"Not now, we need our beauty sleep for tomorrow" I reminded her.

She kissed my cheek wished goodnight and fell asleep. I on the other hand had things to plan for tomorrow.

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